
Elise Dan-Glauser’s Teaching


Since 2024:

  • University of Lausanne, Unil: “Introduction à la méthodologie en psychologie”, for BSc students

Since 2019:

  • University of Lausanne, Unil: “Formation Académique”, for BSc students
  • University of Lausanne, Unil: “Approche socio-cognitive du fonctionnement normal et pathologique”, for MSc students

Since 2016:

  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, EPFL, Lausanne: “Psychologie des émotion”, for BSc students




  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, EPFL, Lausanne: “Psychologie Cognitive A”, for BSc students
  • University of Lausanne, Unil: “Psychologie Cognitive I”, for BSc students
  • University of Lausanne, Unil: “Psychologie Cognitive II”, for MSc students


  • Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA: Journal Club “Bridging emotion regulation and other psychological concepts across disciplines” for PhD students

2003-2007 :

  • University of Geneva, Unige: Seminar of “Psychologie de l’émotion”, for BSc students