I am a Full Professor of Information Systems at the University of Lausanne (UNIL), in Switzerland. Prior to joining UNIL in 2016, I spent eight years in the industry. My last industry work was with Google in Zurich, Switzerland. Previously, I worked at Telefonica Research with Nuria Oliver and Rodrigo de Oliveira, in Barcelona, Spain. I received my PhD in Computer Science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne ( EPFL), Switzerland in June 2008, where I worked for the CRAFT laboratory (now CHILI lab), under the supervision of Pierre Dillenbourg. At EPFL, I conducted research on collaborative annotations of maps and remote gesturing.
Previously, I worked for two and a half years as a research assistant at the Media Lab Europe (MLE), in Ireland, under the supervision of Carol Strohecker. During this time, I had several study visits at the MIT Media Lab in Boston. I obtained a Master of Arts by Research from St. Patrick’s College, Dublin City University, in 2004. My master thesis documented the work I conducted at MLE on Microworlds for Ecology Explorations.
My primary research interests are at the intersection of human-computer interaction ( HCI), computer-supported cooperative work ( CSCW) and human learning. I seek to design systems that enable people to be better connected and in more flexible and dynamic ways. I am particularly interested in how to empower people through new technology and in giving them the opportunity to better participate in collective initiatives. My research team at HEC focuses on behaviour-change technology: applications and technological interventions that can propel positive changes in people’s behaviour.
Other relevant keywords about my research: cooperative learning; job seekers; multiparty privacy conflicts; persuasive computing; Self-Determination Theory; usable privacy and security.
ORCID: 0000-0002-1860-6110
Last update: June 2021.
Look at my full website at: https://www.maurocherubini.it/
Please visit the Persuasive Technology Lab: https://wp.unil.ch/persuasivelab/