Peter Pan’s Shadows in the Literary Imagination. New York & London: Routledge, 2012.
Bella Caledonia: Woman, Nation, Text. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2008.
Ed., with Martine Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère, After Satan: Essays in Honour of Neil Forsyth. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010.
Ed., with Jim McGonigal, Ethically Speaking: Voice and Values in Modern Scottish Literature. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006.
Ed., with Neil McMillan, Odd Alliances: New Directions in Scottish Literature. Glasgow: Cruithne Press, 1999.
Ed., with Boris Vejdovsky and Lucy Perry, Body Politics. Etudes de Lettres, Revue de la Faculté des Lettres, Université de Lausanne (2001.4).
Journal Articles
‘Transforming the pantomime formula in J. M. Barrie’s Peter Pan.‘ European Journal of English Studies 20.1 (2016): 83-94.
‘Absence and Presence in“Resurrection, imperfect”.’ John Donne Journal 29(2010): 207-217
‘Dr Donne’s art gallery and the imago dei.’ John Donne Journal 27 (2008).
‘Lutheran imagery and Donne’s “picture of Christ crucified”.’ John Donne Journal 26 (2007).
‘“Imagined corners”: time, space and the Last Judgement in John Donne’s Last Judgement Holy Sonnets’. Word and Image 21.3, (July-September 2005).
‘A bit of the other: translation and the Scottish muse in MacDiarmid’s poetry’, Etudes Ecossaises 9 (2003-2004).
‘When grown-ups read children’s books’. The European English Messenger Vol. XI/1 (2002).
‘“You can take the girl out of Scotland…”: critical approaches to gender and nation.’ Body Politics. Etudes de Lettres (2001.4).
‘Alba our mother: woman as nation in Scottish literature.’ ScotLit, Association of Scottish Literary Studies (Autumn 1996).
Chapters and articles in books
‘More Anon’: Autobiography and Fiction in the Work of J. M. Barrie’ in Klaus Peter Müller et al. (eds) Inspiring Views from “a’ the airts” on Scottish Literatures, Art and Cinema: The First World Congress of Scottish Literatures in Glasgow 2014. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2016. pp. 221-236.
‘”Part of a part which was once the whole”: Mephistopheles and the Author Figure in Lanark and Fleck.’ in Camille Manfredi (ed.), Alasdair Gray: Ink for Worlds. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 34-46.
‘Liturgical Poetry’ in The Oxford Handbook of Donne Studies, ed. by Dennis Flynn, Jeanne Shami and M. Thomas Hester. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
‘The Devil in the Printing Press’ in Stirling and Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère, eds, After Satan, 2010.
‘“The picture of Christ crucified”: Lutheran influence on Donne’s religious imagery’ in Mary Carr et al. eds, Allegory: Aspects and Approaches. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars’ Press, 2008.
‘“Dr Jekyll and Mr Jackass”: Fight Club’s echoes of the nineteenth-century Doppelgänger’ in Read Mercer Schuchardt, ed., Fight Club and Philosophy. Dallas: BenBella Books, 2008.
‘“Lying is good like this”: the collaborative lie in the early fiction of A.L. Kennedy’ in Stirling and McGonigal eds, Ethically Speaking. Rodopi, 2006.
‘“Dr Jekyll and Mr Jackass”: Fight Club as a refraction of Hogg’s Justified Sinner and Stevenson’s Jekyll and Hyde’ in Susanna Onega and Christian Gutleben, eds, Refracting the Canon in Contemporary British Literature and Film. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004.
‘The shape of things to come: writing the map of Scotland’ in Scotland’s Boundaries and Identities: Nation, Politics and Culture in Scotland. Dundee: U. of Abertay Press, 2001.
‘Imagined bodies and the landscape of home: woman as nation in the fiction of Alasdair Gray’ in Susanne Hagemann ed., Terranglian Territories: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Literature of Region and Nation. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2000.
‘The roots of the present: Naomi Mitchison, Agnes Mure Mackenzie and the construction of history’, in Ted Cowan and Douglas Gifford eds, The Polar Twins. Edinburgh: John Donald, 2000.
‘“The comparative anatomy of the eye”: James Bridie’s The Anatomist and Alasdair Gray’s Poor Things’ in McMillan and Stirling eds, Odd Alliances (1999).
(With Fiona Black) Select bibliography for Douglas Gifford and Dorothy MacMillan eds, The History of Scottish Women’s Writing. Edinburgh: EUP 1997.