Selected Publications

Kessler, D., Hevenstone, D., Vandecasteele, L., & Sepahniya, S. (2023). Weathering the storm together: Does unemployment insurance help couples avoid divorce? Journal of European Social Policy.

Bühlmann, F., Morris, K., Sommet, N., Vandecasteele, L. (2023). Vulnerabilities in Local Contexts. In: Spini, D., Widmer, E. (eds) Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.

Vandecasteele, L.; Ivanova, K.; Sieben, I. & Reeskens, T. (2022). Changing attitudes towards the impact of women’s employment on families. The COVID-19 effect. Gender, Work & Organization.

Steinmetz, S.; Vandecasteele, L.; Lebert, F.; Voorpostel, M.; Lipps, O. (2022). The gendered consequences of the COVID‐19 lockdown on unpaid work in Swiss dual earner couples with children. Gender, Work & Organization.

Morris, K., Bühlmann, F., Sommet, N. & Vandecasteele, L. (2022). The paradox of local inequality: Meritocratic beliefs in unequal localities. The British Journal of Sociology, 73, 421-460.

Vandecasteele, L.; Spini, D.; Sommet, N. & Bühlmann, F. (2022). Poverty and Economic Insecurity in the Life Course. In Nico, M. & Pollock, G. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Inequalities and the Life Course. New York: Routledge

Vaccaro, G., Orsholits, D., Steinmetz, S., Studer, M., & Vandecasteele, L. (2022). Measuring labour market transitions using a life-course perspective in selected developed and developing countries: An inventory of existing panel data and methods of analysis. Geneva: ILO / European Commission

Reeskens, T., Muis, Q., Sieben, I., Vandecasteele, L., Luijkx, R., & Halman, L. (2021). Stability or change of public opinion and values during the coronavirus crisis? Exploring Dutch longitudinal panel data. European Societies, 23(S1), 153-171. doi:10.1080/14616696.2020.1821075

Vandecasteele, L., & Fasang, A. E. (2021). Neighbourhoods, networks and unemployment: The role of neighbourhood disadvantage and local networks in taking up work. Urban Studies, 58(4), 696-714. doi:10.1177/0042098020925374. Nominated for Best 2021 Article in Urban Studies

Bertogg, A., Strauß, S., & Vandecasteele, L. (2021). Linked lives, linked retirement? Relative income differences within couples and gendered retirement decisions in Europe. Advances in Life Course Research, 47, 100380.

Giesselmann, M. & Vandecasteele, L. (2018) Armut in der Lebensverlaufperspektive. In Böhnke, P., Dittmann, J. & Göbel, J. (Eds.), Handbuch Armut. Leverkusen: Barbara Budrich

Vandecasteele, L. & Giesselmann, M. (2018). The Dynamics of In-Work Poverty. In Lohmann, H. & Marx, I. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on In-Work Poverty. Edward Elgar Press

Reeskens, T. & Vandecasteele, L (2017).  Hard Times and European Youth. The Effect of Economic Insecurity on Human Values, Social Attitudes and Well-being. Journal of Psychology. 52 (1), 19-27

Reeskens, T. & Vandecasteele, L. (2017).  Economic Hardship and Well-Being: Examining the Relative Role of Individual Resources and Welfare State Effort in Resilience Against Economic Hardship. Journal of Happiness Studies.18(1), 41-62. DOI 10.1007/s10902-016-9716-2

Vandecasteele, L. (2016). Social Origin, Education and Socio-economic Inequalities: Trends in the United Kingdom. In F. Bernardi, G. Ballarino (Eds.), Education, Occupation and Social Origin. Edward Elgar Press

Vandecasteele, L. & Esche, F. (2015). Women’s Labour Force Exit: the Role of Her Partner’s Socio-Economic Position. Journal of Applied Social Science Studies. 135(1), 35-45

Vandecasteele, L. (2015). Social Class, Life Events and Poverty Risks in Comparative European Perspective. International Review of Social Research. 5 (1), 61-74

Olsen W., Gash V., Vandecasteele, L., Heuvelman H., Walthery P. (2014). The Gender Pay Gap in the UK Labour Market. In Razzu G. (Ed.) Gender Inequality in the Labour Market in the UK. Oxford, Oxford University Press

Vandecasteele, L. (2012). Life Events and Poverty Risks: a European Comparative Analysis. In J. Motmans Joz, D. Cuypers, P. Meier, D. Mortelmans & P. Zanoni (Eds.), Equal is not enough: challenging differences and inequalities in contemporary societies. Antwerp: Policy Research Centre on Equal opportunities.

Vandecasteele, L. (2011). Life Course Risks or Cumulative Disadvantage? The Structuring Effect of Social Stratification Determinants and Life Course Events on Poverty Transitions in Europe. European Sociological Review. 27 (2), 246-264

Vandecasteele, L. (2010). Poverty Trajectories after Risky Life Course Events in Different European Welfare Regimes. European Societies. 12 (2), 257-278

Olsen, W., Gash, V., Vandecasteele, L., Walthery, P., Heuvelman, H. (2010). The Gender Pay Gap in the UK 1995-2007. London: Government Equalities Office

Olsen, W., Heuvelman, H., Gash, V., Vandecasteele, L. (2010). Policy-Related Factors Offsetting Women’s Low Pay in the UK, 2004-7. London: Government Equalities Office

Debels, A., & Vandecasteele, L. (2008), The Time Lag in Annual Household-based Income measures: assessing and correcting the bias. Review of Income and Wealth, 54 (1), 71-88

Vandecasteele, L., & Debels, A. (2007), Attrition in Panel Data: the Effectiveness of Weighting. European Sociological Review (23) 1, 81-97

Vandecasteele, L. (2007). Dynamic Inequalities. The Impact of Social Stratification Determinants on Poverty Dynamics in Europe. Doctoral Thesis, Catholic University Leuven: Leuven

Vandecasteele, L. & Billiet, J. (2004). Privatization in the Family Sphere: Longitudinal and Comparative Analyses in Four European Countries. In W. Arts & L. Halman (Eds.), European Values at the Turn of the Millennium. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers

Vandecasteele, L. (2004), Individualisering: waar het individu tekortschiet… Een onderzoek naar de sociale inbedding van waardeverandering m.b.t. primaire relaties. Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 25 (3), 305-334