
Courses Taught

University of Lausanne

  • Alienation and Freedom
  • Anglo-American Literary Survey
  • Black Nature Writing (Graduate Course)
  • Critical Approaches (Graduate Course)
  • Derrida and the Deconstruction of Natural Rights: Animals, Ethics, Humanity (Graduate Course)
  • Ethnic American Literature
  • Explication de textes: American Lyric Poetry
  • Introduction to Literary Analysis
  • Literature and Revolution
  • Reading Race and Sex in American Literature (Graduate Course)

Emerson College

  • The American Short Story
  • American Women Writers
  • Democracy and American Literature
  • Genres of Contemporary American Literature (Online)
  • Honors Seminar: Perspectives on Literature and Culture of the Americas
  • Honors Writing Symposium
  • Introduction to Literary Studies
  • Literary Foundations
  • Literature of Extreme Situations
  • Resistance and Revolution
  • U.S./American Literatures

Tufts University

  • Graduate Instructor, ENGL0001: Expository Writing
  • Graduate Instructor, ENGL0002: Differences
  • Teaching Assistant, ENG63 American Literature 1900-1950, with Ronna Johnson
  • Teaching Assistant, ENG81 Postmodernism and Film, with Lee Edelman
  • Visiting Lecturer, EXP0001: Resistance and Revolution: The Historical Movements that Led to #BlackLivesMatter #MeToo #NoDAPL, Experimental College

Boston College

  • Teaching Fellow, ENGL100: First-Year Writing Seminar