I am a SNSF Research Professor at the Swiss Centre of Expertise in Life Course Research LIVES at the University of Lausanne. I am also an associate professor at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) at Stockholm University. In the past, I worked at Bielefeld University, Germany, and at Nuffield College, University of Oxford. In 2015, I obtained my PhD in Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute (EUI).
My research is committed to a theory-driven, interdisciplinary, empirically rigorous analysis of inequalities in education, occupation, income, wealth, and health. My current research focuses on the development of novel measures of inequality of opportunity. I am leading an SNSF/ERC Starting Grant project (2023–2028) on this topic.
Every summer, I teach a course on causal analysis with observational data at the Summer School in Social Science Methods in Lugano. Registration is currently open and more information is available here: