
You can visit my Google Scholar Profile here: Link


2024. « The Future Might be Female: How Does the Public Perceive Experts? », Journal of European Public Policy, with Anina Hanimann, Lea Portmann, and Frédéric Varone.

2024. « Does Anxiety Increase Policy Learning? », Policy Studies Journal, with Moulay Lablih and Lea Portmann.

2024. « A Francophone Political Culture? Similarities and differences among French speak- ers in Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, and France », French Politics, with Sean Mueller, Paolo Dardanelli, Min Reuchamps, André Lecours, and Christoph Niessen.

2024. « Multilingual Federalism in Times of Crisis », Regional & Federal Studies, with Sean Mueller.

2023. « Trust, but Verify? Understanding Citizen Attitudes Towards Evidence-Informed Policy Making », Public Administration 101(4): 1227-1246, with Valérie Pattyn.

2023. « Citizens and Evaluation: A Review of Evaluation Models », American Journal of Evaluation 44(4): 571-669, with Valérie Pattyn

2023. « Conscientiousness of Representatives and Agreement with their Party Positions », Journal of Legislative Studies, with Peter Loewen, Christian Breunig, and Frédéric Varone.

2022. « Evaluation Use and Learning in Public Policy », Policy Sciences 55(2): 283–309, with Philipp Trein.

2022. « A Policy-Centred Approach to Inter-Municipal Cooperation », accepted for publication in the Public Management Review, with Michael A. Strebel.

2021. « Does Evaluation Quality Enhance Evaluation Use? », Evidence & Policy 17(4): 661-687, with Kathrin Frey and Thomas Widmer.

2020. « Managing the Rise of the Digital State: Implementation of Digital Education by Local Government », Yearbook of Swiss Administrative Sciences 11(1): 145–157, with Tereza Cahlikova

2020. « Economic Hardship and Social Capital in Europe. A Comparative Analysis of 27 Democracies », European Journal of Political Research 59(2): 290-311, with Markus Freitag.

2020. « Policy Evaluation in Parliament: Interest Groups as Catalysts? », International Review of Administrative Sciences 86(1): 98-114, with Frédéric Varone and Roy Gava.

2018. « Self-Selection and Misreporting in Legislative Surveys », Political Science Research and Methods 6(4): 771-789, with Frédéric Varone, Roy Gava and Thomas Widmer.

2018. « Parliamentarians’ Strategies for Policy Evaluations »,  Evaluation and Program Planning 69(3): 130-138.

2018. « Varieties of Accountability. How Attributes of Policy Fields Shape Parliamentary Oversight », Governance 31(1): 163-183.

2017. « Between Occupation and Politics. Legislative Professionalization in the Swiss Cantons », Swiss Political Science Review 27(1): 1-20, with Daniela Eberli and Sarah Bütikofer.

2016. « What Do We Know About the Demand for Evaluation? Insights from the Parliamentary Arena », American Journal of Evaluation 37(4): 522-541.

–> Winner of the 2016 Young Scholar Award of the German Evaluation Society

2016. « Forschung über Evaluation in der Schweiz: Stand und Aussichten », LeGes – Gesetzgebung und Evaluation 27(3), with Thomas Widmer et al.


2019. « Milizarbeit in der Schweiz« , Zürich: NZZ Libro, with Markus Freitag and Martina Flick Witzig.

Book Chapters & Reviews

2022. « Formal Agenda-Setting Government Tools: Periodic Evaluations and Reviews », in: Michael Howlett (ed.). Routledge Handbook of Policy Tools. London: Routledge, with Valérie Pattyn

2021. « Changing bureaucracies: Adapting to uncertainty, and how evaluation can help », International Review of Public Administration.

2019. « La professionnalisation dans les parlements cantonaux », in: Andrea Pilotti and Oscar Mazzoleni (eds.). Milice et professionnalisation. Neuchâtel: Editions Alphil, with Daniela Eberli and Sarah Bütikofer.

2018. « Zwischen Beruf und Politik: Die Professionalisierung in den Parlamenten », in: Adrian Vatter (ed.). Das Parlament in der Schweiz – Macht und Ohnmacht der Volksvertretungen. Zürich: NZZ Libro, with Daniela Eberli and Sarah Bütikofer. [Link]

2018. « La professionalizzazione dei parlamenti cantonali », in: Andrea Pilotti and Oscar Mazzoleni (eds.). Milizia e professionismo nella politica svizzera. Locarno: Armando Dadò editore: 75-102, with Daniela Eberli and Sarah Bütikofer.

2017. « Parlament und Evaluation: Guts Meets Brain », in: in Fritz Sager, Thomas Widmer and Andreas Balthasar (ed.): Evaluation im politischen System der Schweiz – Entwicklung, Bedeutung und Wechselwirkungen. Zürich: NZZ Libro, with Daniela Eberli. [Link]