
Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Moawad, J. and Oesch, D. (2024) The myth of the middle class squeeze: employment and  income by class in six western countries, 1980–2020, Comparative Political Studies 1-34 pdf image_pdf

Goulart, K. and Oesch, D. (2024) Job tenure in Western Europe, 1993-2021: decline or stability?, European Journal of Industrial Relations 30(3):329-346 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D., Köster, F., Studer, M. and Baumann, I. (2023) Employment and well-being after plant closure: Survey evidence from Switzerland on the mid and long run. Economic and Industrial Democracy 45(4): 964-986 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. and Vigna, N. (2023) Subjective social class has a bad name, but predicts life chances well. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 83 pdf image_pdf.

Di Nallo, A. and Oesch, D. (2023) The intergenerational transmission of family dissolution:
how it varies by social class origin and birth cohort. European Journal of Population 39(3): 1-33 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. and Vigna, N. (2022) A decline in the social status of the working class? Conflicting evidence for 8 western countries, 1987–2017. Comparative Political Studies 55(7): 1130-1157 pdf image_pdf

Di Nallo, A., Lipps, O., Oesch, D. and Voorpostel, M. (2022) The effect of unemployment on couples separating in Germany and the UK. Journal of Marriage and Family 84(1): 310-329 pdf image_pdf

Di Nallo, A. and Oesch, D. (2021) No stratified effect of unemployment on incomes: How the market, state, and household compensate for income loss in the United Kingdom and Switzerland, European Sociological Review, 37(5): 783–798 pdf image_pdf

Combet, B. and Oesch, D. (2021) The social-origin gap in university graduation
by gender and immigrant status: a cohort analysis for Switzerland, Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 12(2): 119-146 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. (2020) Discrimination in the hiring of older jobseekers: Combining a survey experiment with a natural experiment in Switzerland, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 65: 1-12 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. and Piccitto, G. (2019) The polarization myth: Occupational upgrading in Germany, Spain, Sweden and the UK, 1992-2015, Work and Occupations 46(4): 441–469 pdf image_pdf

Combet, B. and Oesch, D. (2019) The gender wage gap opens long before motherhood. Panel evidence on early careers in Switzerland, European Sociological Review 35(3): 332-345 pdf image_pdf

Korber, M. and Oesch, D. (2019) Vocational versus general education: Employment and earnings over the life course in Switzerland, Advances in Life Course Research 40: 1-13 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. and Rennwald, L. (2018) Electoral competition in Europe’s new tripolar political space: Class voting for the left, centre-right and radical right, European Journal of Political Research 57: 783–807 pdf image_pdf

Murphy, E. and Oesch, D. (2018) Is employment polarisation inevitable? Occupational change in Ireland and Switzerland, 1970-2010, Work, Employment and Society 32(6): 1099–1117 pdf image_pdf

Lipps, O. and Oesch. D. (2018) The working class left behind? The class gap in life satisfaction in Germany and Switzerland over the last decades, European Societes 20(4): 549-571 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D., McDonald, P. and Lipps, O. (2017) The wage penalty for motherhood: Evidence on discrimination from panel data and a survey experiment for Switzerland, Demographic Research 37: 1793-1824 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. and von Ow, A. (2017) Social Networks and Job Access for the Unemployed: Work Ties for the Upper-Middle Class, Communal Ties for the Working Class, European Sociological Review 33(2): 275-291 pdf image_pdf

Murphy, E. and Oesch, D. (2016) The Feminization of Occupations and Change in Wages: A Panel Analysis of Britain, Germany, and Switzerland, Social Forces 94(3): 1221–1255 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. and Baumann, I. (2015) Smooth transition or permanent exit? Evidence on job prospects of displaced industrial workers, Socio-Economic Review 13(1): 101-123 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. (2015) Welfare regimes and change in the employment structure: Britain, Denmark and Germany since 1990, Journal of European Social Policy 25 (1): 94-110 pdfimage_pdf

Oesch, D. and Lipps, O. (2013) Does unemployment hurt less if there is more of it around? A panel data analysis for Germany and Switzerland, European Sociological Review 29 (5): 955–967 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. (2012) Recruitment, retention and exit from union membership. An analysis of member flows in Swiss union locals, British Journal of Industrial Relations 50 (2): 287–307 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. and Rodríguez Menés, J. (2011) Upgrading or polarization? Occupational change in Britain, Germany, Spain and Switzerland, 1990-2008, Socio-Economic Review 9 (3): 503-531 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. (2010) What explains high unemployment among low-skilled workers? Evidence from 21 OECD countries, European Journal of Industrial Relations 16 (1): 39-55 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. and Rennwald, L. (2010) The class basis of Switzerland’s cleavage between the New Left and the Populist Right, Swiss Political Science Review 16 (3): 343-372 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. (2008) Explaining workers’ support for right-wing populist parties in Western Europe: Evidence from Austria, Belgium, France, Norway and Switzerland, International Political Science Review 29 (3): 349-373 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. (2008) The changing shape of class voting: an individual-level analysis of party support in Britain, Germany and Switzerland, European Societies 10 (3): 329-355 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. (2008) Stratifying welfare states: class differences in pension coverage in Britain, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland, Swiss Journal of Sociology 34 (3): 533-554 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. (2007) Weniger Koordination, mehr Markt? Kollektive Arbeitsbeziehungen und Neokorporatismus in der Schweiz seit 1990, Swiss Political Science Review 13 (3): 337-368 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. (2006) Coming to grips with a changing class structure. An analysis of employment stratification in Britain, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland, International Sociology 21 (2): 263-288 pdf image_pdf

Mach, A. and Oesch, D. (2003) Collective bargaining between decentralization and stability: a sectoral model explaining the Swiss experience during the 1990s, Industrielle Beziehungen 10 (1): 160-182 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. (2003) Labour market trends and the Goldthorpe class schema: a conceptual reassessment, Swiss Journal of Sociology 29 (2): 241-262 pdf image_pdf

Gaillard, S. und Oesch, D. (2002) Wodurch erklären sich die Unterschiede in der Steuerbelastung der Kantone?, Swiss Political Science Review 8 (2): 81-99 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. (2001) L’inégalité, frein à la croissance? L’effet de l’inégalité des revenus sur les taux de croissance de dix pays de l’Europe de l’Ouest, Swiss Political Science Review 7 (2) : 27-48 pdf image_pdf

Articles in other Journals

Combet, B. und Oesch, D. (2019) Die Lohnungleichheit zwischen Frauen und Männern beginnt lange vor der Familiengründung, Social Change in Switzerland Nr 18 pdf image_pdf

[Translated in: Combet, B. et Oesch, D. (2017) L’inégalité salariale entre hommes et femmes commence bien avant la fondation d’une famille, Social Change in Switzerland No 18 pdf image_pdf ]

Oesch, D. und Murphy, E. (2017) Keine Erosion, sondern Wachstum der Mittelklasse. Der Wandel der Schweizer Berufsstruktur seit 1970, Social Change in Switzerland Nr 12 pdf image_pdf

[Translated in: Oesch, D. et Murphy, E. (2017) La classe moyenne n’est pas en déclin, mais en croissance. L’évolution de la structure des emplois en Suisse depuis 1970, Social Change in Switzerland No 12 pdf image_pdf ]

Oesch, D. und Murphy, E. (2017) Keine Polarisierung in der Schweizer Berufsstruktur, Volkswirtschaft 12: 20-23 pdf image_pdf

[Translated in: Oesch, D. et Murphy, E. (2017) Pas de polarisation dans la structure de l’emploi en Suisse, Vie Économique 12: 20-23 pdf image_pdf ]

Korber, M. und Oesch, D. (2016) Berufslehre bietet bessere Lohnaussichten für Männer, Volkswirtschaft 11 : 44-47 pdf image_pdf

[Translated in: Korber, M. et Oesch, D. (2016) L’apprentissage améliore les perspectives salariales des hommes, Vie Économique 11 : 44-47 pdf image_pdf]

Korber, M. et Oesch, D. (2016) Quelles perspectives d’emploi et de salaire après un apprentissage ? Social Change in Switzerland No 6 (juin) pdf image_pdf

[Translated in: Korber, M. und Oesch, D. (2016) Beschäftigungs- und Lohnperspektiven nach einer Berufslehre, Social Change in Switzerland  Nr. 6 (Juni) pdf image_pdf]

Baumann, I. und Oesch, D. (2013) Massenentlassungen in der Schweiz und ihre Wirkungen: Eine empirische Untersuchung, Volkswirtschaft 10: 50-53 (Oktober) pdf image_pdf

[Translated in: Baumann, I. et Oesch, D. (2013) Licenciements collectifs en Suisse: un problème surtout pour les travailleurs âgés, Vie Économique 10: 50-53 (octobre) pdf image_pdf]

Lalive, R., Bonoli, G., Oesch, D., Turtschi, N., von Ow, A. (2013) L’impact des réseaux sociaux sur le retour à l’emploi des chômeurs, Vie Économique 9 (septembre) pdf image_pdf

[Translated in: Lalive, R., Bonoli, G., Oesch, D., Turtschi, N., von Ow, A. (2013) Soziale Netzwerke: Ein wertvoller Trumpf bei der Arbeitssuche für waadtländische Arbeitslos, Volkswirtschaft 9: 64-66 (September) pdf image_pdf]

Oesch, D. (2012) Die Bedeutung von Gesamtarbeitsverträgen für die Arbeitsmarktregulierung in der Schweiz, Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht und Arbeitslosenversicherung, Sonderausgabe, 120-127 pdf image_pdf

Oesch, D. (2007) Zur Analyse der Klassenstruktur von Dienstleistungsgesellschaften: soziale Schichtung in Deutschland und der Schweiz, Widerspruch 52: 59-74 pdf image_pdf

Book review

Oesch, D. (2011) Gøsta Esping-Andersen: The Incomplete Revolution: Adapting to Women’s New Roles, European Sociological Review 27 (2): 288-290 pdf image_pdf