Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Moawad, J. and Oesch, D. (2024) The myth of the middle class squeeze: employment and income by class in six western countries, 1980–2020, Comparative Political Studies 1-34 pdf
Goulart, K. and Oesch, D. (2024) Job tenure in Western Europe, 1993-2021: decline or stability?, European Journal of Industrial Relations 30(3):329-346 pdf
Oesch, D., Köster, F., Studer, M. and Baumann, I. (2023) Employment and well-being after plant closure: Survey evidence from Switzerland on the mid and long run. Economic and Industrial Democracy 45(4): 964-986 pdf
Oesch, D. and Vigna, N. (2023) Subjective social class has a bad name, but predicts life chances well. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 83 pdf .
Di Nallo, A. and Oesch, D. (2023) The intergenerational transmission of family dissolution:
how it varies by social class origin and birth cohort. European Journal of Population 39(3): 1-33 pdf
Oesch, D. and Vigna, N. (2022) A decline in the social status of the working class? Conflicting evidence for 8 western countries, 1987–2017. Comparative Political Studies 55(7): 1130-1157 pdf
Di Nallo, A., Lipps, O., Oesch, D. and Voorpostel, M. (2022) The effect of unemployment on couples separating in Germany and the UK. Journal of Marriage and Family 84(1): 310-329 pdf
Di Nallo, A. and Oesch, D. (2021) No stratified effect of unemployment on incomes: How the market, state, and household compensate for income loss in the United Kingdom and Switzerland, European Sociological Review, 37(5): 783–798 pdf
Combet, B. and Oesch, D. (2021) The social-origin gap in university graduation
by gender and immigrant status: a cohort analysis for Switzerland, Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 12(2): 119-146 pdf
Oesch, D. (2020) Discrimination in the hiring of older jobseekers: Combining a survey experiment with a natural experiment in Switzerland, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 65: 1-12 pdf
Oesch, D. and Piccitto, G. (2019) The polarization myth: Occupational upgrading in Germany, Spain, Sweden and the UK, 1992-2015, Work and Occupations 46(4): 441–469 pdf
Combet, B. and Oesch, D. (2019) The gender wage gap opens long before motherhood. Panel evidence on early careers in Switzerland, European Sociological Review 35(3): 332-345 pdf
Korber, M. and Oesch, D. (2019) Vocational versus general education: Employment and earnings over the life course in Switzerland, Advances in Life Course Research 40: 1-13 pdf
Oesch, D. and Rennwald, L. (2018) Electoral competition in Europe’s new tripolar political space: Class voting for the left, centre-right and radical right, European Journal of Political Research 57: 783–807 pdf
Murphy, E. and Oesch, D. (2018) Is employment polarisation inevitable? Occupational change in Ireland and Switzerland, 1970-2010, Work, Employment and Society 32(6): 1099–1117 pdf
Lipps, O. and Oesch. D. (2018) The working class left behind? The class gap in life satisfaction in Germany and Switzerland over the last decades, European Societes 20(4): 549-571 pdf
Oesch, D., McDonald, P. and Lipps, O. (2017) The wage penalty for motherhood: Evidence on discrimination from panel data and a survey experiment for Switzerland, Demographic Research 37: 1793-1824 pdf
Oesch, D. and von Ow, A. (2017) Social Networks and Job Access for the Unemployed: Work Ties for the Upper-Middle Class, Communal Ties for the Working Class, European Sociological Review 33(2): 275-291 pdf
Murphy, E. and Oesch, D. (2016) The Feminization of Occupations and Change in Wages: A Panel Analysis of Britain, Germany, and Switzerland, Social Forces 94(3): 1221–1255 pdf
Oesch, D. and Baumann, I. (2015) Smooth transition or permanent exit? Evidence on job prospects of displaced industrial workers, Socio-Economic Review 13(1): 101-123 pdf
Oesch, D. (2015) Welfare regimes and change in the employment structure: Britain, Denmark and Germany since 1990, Journal of European Social Policy 25 (1): 94-110 pdf
Oesch, D. and Lipps, O. (2013) Does unemployment hurt less if there is more of it around? A panel data analysis for Germany and Switzerland, European Sociological Review 29 (5): 955–967 pdf
Oesch, D. (2012) Recruitment, retention and exit from union membership. An analysis of member flows in Swiss union locals, British Journal of Industrial Relations 50 (2): 287–307 pdf
Oesch, D. and Rodríguez Menés, J. (2011) Upgrading or polarization? Occupational change in Britain, Germany, Spain and Switzerland, 1990-2008, Socio-Economic Review 9 (3): 503-531 pdf
Oesch, D. (2010) What explains high unemployment among low-skilled workers? Evidence from 21 OECD countries, European Journal of Industrial Relations 16 (1): 39-55 pdf
Oesch, D. and Rennwald, L. (2010) The class basis of Switzerland’s cleavage between the New Left and the Populist Right, Swiss Political Science Review 16 (3): 343-372 pdf
Oesch, D. (2008) Explaining workers’ support for right-wing populist parties in Western Europe: Evidence from Austria, Belgium, France, Norway and Switzerland, International Political Science Review 29 (3): 349-373 pdf
Oesch, D. (2008) The changing shape of class voting: an individual-level analysis of party support in Britain, Germany and Switzerland, European Societies 10 (3): 329-355 pdf
Oesch, D. (2008) Stratifying welfare states: class differences in pension coverage in Britain, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland, Swiss Journal of Sociology 34 (3): 533-554 pdf
Oesch, D. (2007) Weniger Koordination, mehr Markt? Kollektive Arbeitsbeziehungen und Neokorporatismus in der Schweiz seit 1990, Swiss Political Science Review 13 (3): 337-368 pdf
Oesch, D. (2006) Coming to grips with a changing class structure. An analysis of employment stratification in Britain, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland, International Sociology 21 (2): 263-288 pdf
Mach, A. and Oesch, D. (2003) Collective bargaining between decentralization and stability: a sectoral model explaining the Swiss experience during the 1990s, Industrielle Beziehungen 10 (1): 160-182 pdf
Oesch, D. (2003) Labour market trends and the Goldthorpe class schema: a conceptual reassessment, Swiss Journal of Sociology 29 (2): 241-262 pdf
Gaillard, S. und Oesch, D. (2002) Wodurch erklären sich die Unterschiede in der Steuerbelastung der Kantone?, Swiss Political Science Review 8 (2): 81-99 pdf
Oesch, D. (2001) L’inégalité, frein à la croissance? L’effet de l’inégalité des revenus sur les taux de croissance de dix pays de l’Europe de l’Ouest, Swiss Political Science Review 7 (2) : 27-48 pdf
Articles in other Journals
Combet, B. und Oesch, D. (2019) Die Lohnungleichheit zwischen Frauen und Männern beginnt lange vor der Familiengründung, Social Change in Switzerland Nr 18 pdf
[Translated in: Combet, B. et Oesch, D. (2017) L’inégalité salariale entre hommes et femmes commence bien avant la fondation d’une famille, Social Change in Switzerland No 18 pdf ]
Oesch, D. und Murphy, E. (2017) Keine Erosion, sondern Wachstum der Mittelklasse. Der Wandel der Schweizer Berufsstruktur seit 1970, Social Change in Switzerland Nr 12 pdf
[Translated in: Oesch, D. et Murphy, E. (2017) La classe moyenne n’est pas en déclin, mais en croissance. L’évolution de la structure des emplois en Suisse depuis 1970, Social Change in Switzerland No 12 pdf ]
Oesch, D. und Murphy, E. (2017) Keine Polarisierung in der Schweizer Berufsstruktur, Volkswirtschaft 12: 20-23 pdf
[Translated in: Oesch, D. et Murphy, E. (2017) Pas de polarisation dans la structure de l’emploi en Suisse, Vie Économique 12: 20-23 pdf ]
Korber, M. und Oesch, D. (2016) Berufslehre bietet bessere Lohnaussichten für Männer, Volkswirtschaft 11 : 44-47 pdf
[Translated in: Korber, M. et Oesch, D. (2016) L’apprentissage améliore les perspectives salariales des hommes, Vie Économique 11 : 44-47 pdf ]
Korber, M. et Oesch, D. (2016) Quelles perspectives d’emploi et de salaire après un apprentissage ? Social Change in Switzerland No 6 (juin) pdf
[Translated in: Korber, M. und Oesch, D. (2016) Beschäftigungs- und Lohnperspektiven nach einer Berufslehre, Social Change in Switzerland Nr. 6 (Juni) pdf ]
Baumann, I. und Oesch, D. (2013) Massenentlassungen in der Schweiz und ihre Wirkungen: Eine empirische Untersuchung, Volkswirtschaft 10: 50-53 (Oktober) pdf
[Translated in: Baumann, I. et Oesch, D. (2013) Licenciements collectifs en Suisse: un problème surtout pour les travailleurs âgés, Vie Économique 10: 50-53 (octobre) pdf ]
Lalive, R., Bonoli, G., Oesch, D., Turtschi, N., von Ow, A. (2013) L’impact des réseaux sociaux sur le retour à l’emploi des chômeurs, Vie Économique 9 (septembre) pdf
[Translated in: Lalive, R., Bonoli, G., Oesch, D., Turtschi, N., von Ow, A. (2013) Soziale Netzwerke: Ein wertvoller Trumpf bei der Arbeitssuche für waadtländische Arbeitslos, Volkswirtschaft 9: 64-66 (September) pdf ]
Oesch, D. (2012) Die Bedeutung von Gesamtarbeitsverträgen für die Arbeitsmarktregulierung in der Schweiz, Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht und Arbeitslosenversicherung, Sonderausgabe, 120-127 pdf
Oesch, D. (2007) Zur Analyse der Klassenstruktur von Dienstleistungsgesellschaften: soziale Schichtung in Deutschland und der Schweiz, Widerspruch 52: 59-74 pdf
Book review
Oesch, D. (2011) Gøsta Esping-Andersen: The Incomplete Revolution: Adapting to Women’s New Roles, European Sociological Review 27 (2): 288-290 pdf