The group of Joël Wagner contributes to the research and teaching activities of the Department of Actuarial Science and HEC Lausanne in the field of risk management and insurance. A broad range of topics from both theoretical and practical viewpoints are in the scope of research.
The main focus is on risk management, insurance economics and actuarial science, covering selected topics in life, health, pension and non-life insurance as well as issues in insurance management and innovation. In particular, the group aims at contributing to bridge the gap between academia and industry practice, and at promoting insurance research insights in the French-speaking area of Switzerland and beyond.

Gestion du risque & introduction aux assurances by J. Wagner and M. Fuino, 1st edition, 2022, available in print and electronically in open access doi:10.55430/dsgs4578
Risk Management & Introduction to Insurance, English edition of the book is available from 2024 in print and electronically in open access doi:10.55430/6710va01
Swiss National Science Foundation Sinergia project Grant CHF 2.8 mio. for “Development of Personalized Health in Switzerland: Social Sciences Perpectives“, co-applicant J. Wagner

Global Center of Insurance Excellence (GCIE) designation by the International Insurance Society (IIS) for the Master in Actuarial Science at University of Lausanne
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics publishes “Long-Term Care Models and Dependence Probability Tables by Acuity Level: New Empirical Evidence from Switzerland” and “Duration of Long-Term Care: Socio-Economic Factors, Type of Care Interactions and Evolution“, both by M. Fuino and J. Wagner

International Congress of Actuaries 2018
Best Paper Award for M. Fuino and J. Wagner