Welcome to the website of the Information Security and Privacy (ISP) Lab at the University of Lausanne (UNIL)! The lab is headed by Kévin Huguenin. The current research interest of the lab is in security and privacy in mobile (social) networks, with a special emphasis on the human and social aspects. We are particularly interested in interdisciplinary research projects on privacy, at the frontier between computer science and social sciences (incl. law and psychology) and/or medicine (mHealth, genomics, medical databases).
- 2025/02 Welcome to Amro, Eva, and Frank who started their PhD Thesis in the lab!
- 2025/01 Yamane graduated with her PhD . Congratulations and bye bye!
- 2024/12 Our research on shadow health related data was featured on the HEC Research blog (Outreach).
- 2024/11 We received funding for 1 year from the Fondation Hasler to work on the (interdependent) privacy issues raised by the use of online digital address books.
- 2024/09 We are opening an SNF-funded PhD position to work on second-hand electronic devices. Apply here (deadline Sept. 25th)!
- 2024/08 Our article on shadow health-related data was accepted for presentation at the European Symposium on Usable Security (EuroUSEC). Congratulations Yamane!
- 2024/07 Congratulations Kavous for being an “outstanding reviewer” for PoPETS!
- 2024/06 We received funding from the Chuard-Schmid Foundation to work on shadow health-related data (health-related data generated/processed using general-purpose digital tools outside of a professional healthcare information system). Congratulations Yamane!
- 2024/06 Our article on user-centric privacy-enhancing solutions for fitness tracker 3rd-party apps was published in the Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETS). Congratulations Noé and Kavous!
- 2024/05 Our article on the design of a data-driven survey platform received an honorable mention at ACM CHI. Congratulations Lev!
- 2024/04 Our article on account enumeration attacks (i.e., determining whether there exist an account associated with a given e-mail address on a given online service) was published in ACM Transactions on the Web! Congratulations team!
- 2024/03 Together with Sylvain Métille, we received funding for 4 years from the Swiss National Science Foundation to work on the security and privacy risks associated with second-hand storage devices from both a legal and user-centric perspective (project).
- 2024/02 Our survey article on wearable activity trackers (utility, privacy, and security) was published in ACM Computing Surveys! Congratulations Kavous, Lev, and Noé!
- 2024/01 Our article on the design of a data-driven survey platform (DDS) was accepted for presentation at ACM CHI ( demo, code). Congratulations Lev!
- 2023/12 Our article on the security and privacy risks associated with second-hand storage devices was published in the Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETS). Congratulations team!
- 2023/11 Our article on the impact of fitness trackers on user body awareness was accepted for publication in Elsevier Computers in Human Behavior. Congratulations Arianna!
- 2023/10 Noé graduated with his PhD . Congratulations and bye bye!
- 2023/09 Our work on the potential of mediation chatbots for multi-party privacy conflicts avoidance received press coverage in Medium. Congrats Kavous!
- 2023/08 Kevin is now on sabbatical for the Fall semester. He is visiting Concordia University in Montreal, QC, Canada 🇨🇦, hosted by Jeremy Clark!
- 2023/07 Together with Carmela Troncoso (EPFL) and Mathias Humbert (UNIL), we are hosting PETS’23 in Lausanne!
- 2023/06 Our article on privacy-preserving distributed training of decision trees was accepted for publication in the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB). Congratulations Yamane!
- 2023/05 Our article on the use of personal information in cyberbullying incidents was published in the Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETS). Congratulations Sadiq and Kavous!
- 2023/04 Noé‘s work on the inference of personality traits from wearable was featured on the Swiss national news ( article, video)!
- 2023/03 Noé presented his PhD work at MT180 (My Thesis in 180 seconds). Excellent talk, congratulations!
- 2023/02 Our article on the inference of personality traits from wearable data was accepted for presentation at the USENIX Security Symposium. Congratulations Noé!
- 2023/01 Our article on the usage of checksums for web downloads was accepted for presentation at the WebConference. Congratulations Gaël!
- 2022/11 Our article on the potential of mediation chatbots for multi-party privacy conflicts avoidance was accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI) and for presentation at the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Congratulations Diana and Kavous!
- 2022/09 Our article on users’ behaviors toward fitness-data sharing with 3rd-party apps was published in the Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETS). Congratulations Noé and Kavous!
- 2020/08 Welcome to Svetlana who started her 2-month visit in the lab!
- 2022/03 We received funding for 1 year from the Fondation Hasler to work on online-account privacy.
- 2022/02 Our article on our Kin Genomic Privacy (KGP) Meter was presented at the IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P). Try the tool!
- 2021/11 Our article on the utility and privacy perceptions of fitness tracker users was accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) and for presentation at the ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp). Congratulations Lev, Kavous, and Noé!
- 2021/09 Our work on addressing multi-party privacy conflicts received press coverage in Watson and on the HEC Research blog.
- 2021/06 Our article on the participatory-design sessions of solutions against multi-party privacy conflicts was presented at the ACM Conference on the Design of Interactive Systems (DIS)! Congratulations Kavous, Evanne, and Samuel!
- 2021/05 Our work on personality inference from fitness trackers’ data was featured on (French) national TV (short excerpt). Congratulations Noé!
- 2021/03 Three Master’s students have joined the lab for semester projects (Maël, Meret, and Pierre). Glad to have you aboard!
- 2021/01 Kavous and Evanne received the Epic Experimenter Award from the Laboratory for Behavioral Experiments (LABEX). Congratulations!
- 2020/12 Our article on dissuasive techniques against multi-parti privacy conflicts was accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI) and for presentation at the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Congratulations Kavous!
- 2020/12 We obtained the Best Teacher Award in the Master of Information Systems for our course Information Security and Privacy!
- 2020/11 Welcome to Arnaud who started his Master Thesis in the lab!
- 2020/10 Welcome to Dario and Evanne who started their Master Thesis in the lab!
- 2020/09 Welcome to Gaël who started as a research scientist for a few months in the lab!
- 2020/09 Welcome to Rémi who started as a research engineer in the lab!
- 2020/08 Kévin has been promoted to Full Professor!
- 2020/07 Our article on checksums for secure web downloads was accepted for publication in the ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security!
- 2020/07 Welcome to Lev who just started a PhD in the lab!
- 2020/06 After two years in the lab as a research engineer, Didier is heading to his next adventure. Bye bye!
- 2020/04 Our article on web subresource integrity verification was presented at the WebConference. Congratulations Bertil!
- 2020/03 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the lab has switched to homeworking (lots of instant messaging, remote conferencing and video shooting ahead). Stay home, stay safe! (and )
- 2020/03 Five Master’s students have joined the lab for semester projects (Laurelei, Maël, Rita, Samuel, and Tanguy). Glad to have you aboard!
- 2020/02 Welcome to Kavous who just started as a research scientist in the lab!
- 2020/02 After a year in the lab as a research scientist, Bertil is heading to his next adventure. Bye bye!
- 2020/01 Dimitri graduated with his PhD . Congratulations and bye bye!
- 2019/11 Together with Mauro Cherubini, we received funding for 1 year from the Swiss National Science Foundation to work on addressing multi-party privacy conflicts (NudgeMPC).
- 2019/09 Welcome to Yamane who just started a PhD in the lab and at CSEM!
- 2019/09 Our survey article on interdependent privacy was published in ACM Computing Surveys!
- 2019/08 Our article on hiding sensitive apps on Android was presented at the USENIX Security Symposium. Congratulations Anh! ( demo; coverage: HackerNews)
- 2019/08 Our article on the incentives for security information sharing was published in the Journal of Cybersecurity. Congratulations Alain!
- 2019/04 Alain, Alexandra and Anh graduated with their PhD . Congratulations and bye bye!
- 2019/03 Our interactive tool for estimating kin genomic privacy is now online! try it out!
- 2019/03 We received funding for 1 year from the Fondation Hasler to work on web security.
- 2019/02 Welcome to Noé who just started a PhD in the lab!
- 2019/02 Welcome to Bertil who just started as a research scientist in the lab!
- 2018/11 Our article on the (co)-location sharing with interdependencies was published in the Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETS). Congratulations Alexandra!
- 2018/11 Our article on checksums for secure web downloads was presented at the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)! ( try it out or watch the short demo; coverage: The morning paper)
- 2018/08 Welcome to Didier who just started as a research engineer in the lab!
- 2018/06 Our article on privacy-preserving carpooling was presented at the ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec). Congratulations Ulrich!
- 2018/04 Our article on the utility implications of privacy protection mechanisms in location check-ins was published in the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing!
- 2018/03 Together with Muriel Bochud (CHUV-UniSanté), Mathias Humbert (SDSC) and Michael Schumacher (HES-SO Sierre), we received funding for 2 years from the Fondation Leenaards to work on privacy in personalized medicine.
- 2018/03 Together with Jean-Pierre Hubaux (EPFL), we received funding for 3 years from the Swiss National Science Foundation to work on privacy in life-style tracking device and applications (PrivateLife).
- 2018/02 Our article on consensual and privacy-preserving sharing of multi-subject personal data was presented at the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS). Congratulations Alexandra! ( coverage: HEC Lausanne, ICTjournal; video)
- 2018/02 Welcome to Benjamin who just started a PhD in the lab!
- 2017/08 Our article on private, yet accountable, ride-hailing was presented at the USENIX Security Symposium. Congratulations Anh! ( coverage: EPFL, HEC Lausanne, Wired, …)
- 2017/05 Our article on automatic runtime-permissions for Android was presented at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P). Congratulations Kasia!
- 2016/11 The Information Security and Privacy Lab is born; Prof. Kévin Huguenin joined the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Lausanne (HEC Lausanne)! ( news: HEC Lausanne)