Working Papers
“From Direct to State Universalism: A Comment on Enke, Rodriguez-Padilla, and Zimmermann (2022)”, with Bruno Ventelou. Submitted.
“On the Normative Motivation of States: State Universalism in Western Post-Enlightenment Societies”
“Common Good on Board: Evidence from Public Hospitals”, with S. Tinturier.
“Green Public Procurement: For Greener or for Browner?”, with L. Fraga de Andrade.
“For-profit Entry in Public Service Provisions: Towards More or Less Regulation”, with P. Wicht.
Peer-reviewed Publications
Make or Buy for Public Services: Culture Matters for Efficiency Considerations (with P. Wicht), Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, doi: 10.1016/j.qref.2024.101899, 2024.
Demand for Vaccination in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Vertical Legacy of the Slave Trade (with M. Macina), Social Science & Medicine 293, 114640, 2022.
Media coverage : Featured on the National Affairs Blog, on DeFacto. “Confiance et demande de vaccination : que nous enseigne l’histoire ?”, 2021/11/01 (1) 3, IDHEAP POLICY BRIEF
District heating networks, legal norms, and market structure: What role for public authorities? (with Pascal Wicht), Revue d’Economie Industrielle 166 (2), 39-63, 2019.
Are Public Private Partnerships that Rigid? And Why? Evidence from Price Provisions in French Toll Road Concession Contracts (with Stéphane Saussier), Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 111, 174-186, 2018.
Effects of Uncertainty and Opportunistic Renegotiations on Bidding Behaviour: Evidence from Toll Road Concessions (with Antonio Nunez), in: The Economics of Infrastructure Provisioning: The Changing Role of the State. CESifo Seminar Series, MIT Press, Cambridge, 285-314, 2015.
Local Public-Services Provision under Public Private Partnerships: Contractual Design and Contracting Parties Incentives. Local Government Studies 39(3), 312-331, 2013.
Responsabilité politique et design contractuel des partenariats public privé. Revue Economique 60 (4), 1011-1022, 2009.
Winner’s curse in toll road concessions (with Antonio Nunez). Economics Letters 101 (3), 172-174, 2008.
Un Partenariat Public Privé Rigide ou Flexible ? Théorie et Application aux Concessions Routières à Péage (with Stéphane Saussier). Revue Economique 58 (3), 565-576, 2007.
Book Chapters
Gouvernance (with M. Pasquier), in Soguel N. et al. (eds), Comprendre et concevoir l’administration publique. Le modèle IDHEAP, EPFL Press, pp. 121-132, 2023.
Fonctions essentielles (with N. Soguel), in Soguel N. et al. (eds),Comprendre et concevoir l’administration publique. Le modèle IDHEAP, EPFL Press, pp. 35-46, 2023.
Public Private Partnerships: A Swiss Perspective (with M. Macina and P. Wicht), in Andreas Ladner et al. (eds), Swiss Public Administration: Making the State Work Successfully, Springer International Publishing, pp. 187-204, 2019.
The Relative Efficiency of Competitive Tendering (with L. Chever) in Saussier Stéphane, de Brux Julie (eds.) The Economics of Public-Private Partnerships : Theoretical and Empirical Developments, Springer, pp. 113-133, 2018.
Efficacité relative des appels d’offres concurrentiels (with L. Chever), in S. Saussier (ed), Economie des Partenariats Public Privé, De Boeck, pp. 143-164, 2015.
La contractualisation de service public : une analyse économique, in Ladner Andreas et al. (eds), Manuel d’administration publique suisse, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, chap 34, pp. 679-697, 2013
Kontraktualisierung des öffentlichen Dienstes: Eine ökonomische Analyse, in Ladner Andreas et al. (eds), Handbuch der öffentlichen Verwaltung in der Schweiz, Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), pp. 679-697, 2013