I am a Professor of Economics at HEC Lausanne, University of Lausanne.
My research interests include public economics, regional economics and international trade.
Current research papers
- Who Bears the Burden of Local Taxes?
with Jayson Danton, Raphaël Parchet and Jörg Schläpfer. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 17(1): 464-505, 2025. See manuscript (online appendix; replication package (data and code))
- Competition, harmonization and redistribution: Corporate taxes in Switzerland
with Marko Köthenbürger, Matthias Krapf, Raphaël Parchet, Kurt Schmidheiny and David Staubli. forthcoming in “Policy Responses to Tax Competition” (edited by D.R. Agrawal, J.M. Poterba, O.M. Zidar), University of Chicago Press, 2025. See manuscript
- And There Was Light: Trade and the Development of Border Regions
with Barthélémy Bonadio and Guillaume Rais (December 2024), See manuscript
- Price and Prejudice: Housing Rents Reveal Racial Animus
with Gian-Paolo Klinke, Andrea Marcucci, Dominic Rohner and Mathias Thoenig (October 2024), See manuscript
- On Nesting Location Choice Models Correctly: A Reply
with Kurt Schmidheiny. See manuscript
Latest writings
- Hausse des taxes d’études : n’oublions pas d’adapter les bourses !
Le Temps, mars 2025. Lien
- University Tuition Fees and Student Outcomes: Literature Review from a Swiss Perspective
E4S White Paper, February 2025. Link
- JUSO-Erbschaftssteuerinitiative: Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Betrachtung
Präsentation WAK-Nationalratskommission, Januar 2025. Link
- Bundeserbschaftssteuer gemäss der “Initiative für eine Zukunft”: Steuersubstrat und Verhaltensreaktionen
Gutachten für die Eidgenössische Steuerverwaltung, Dezember 2024. Link
- Who Bears the Burden of Local Taxes?
with Jayson Danton, Raphaël Parchet and Jörg Schläpfer. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 17(1): 464-505, 2025. See manuscript (online appendix; replication package (data and code))
- Competition, harmonization and redistribution: Corporate taxes in Switzerland
with Marko Köthenbürger, Matthias Krapf, Raphaël Parchet, Kurt Schmidheiny and David Staubli. forthcoming in “Policy Responses to Tax Competition” (edited by D.R. Agrawal, J.M. Poterba, O.M. Zidar), University of Chicago Press, 2025. See manuscript
- And There Was Light: Trade and the Development of Border Regions
with Barthélémy Bonadio and Guillaume Rais (December 2024), See manuscript
- Les héritages et les impôts: Que nous apprennent les données ?
Conférence (Sciences)2, UNIL, novembre 2024. Lien
- Schweizer Bundesfinanzen: Eine wissenschaftliche Betrachtung
Präsentation Herbsttagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Verwaltungswissenschaften (SGVW), November 2024. Link
- The Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics at 160
with Kateryna Dashevska. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 160(13), 2024. See publication