education and qualification
Since 2019: Qualification for Senior Lecturer positions (maître de conférences), Section 19 (Sociology), Conseil national des universités (France).
03.2017: PhD in Social Sciences (University of Lausanne) and Sociology (EHESS) (joint degree): Les métiers de la viande et des fleurs. Ethnographier le genre au travail.
Dissertation Committee: N. Le Feuvre (UNIL, co-supervisor), D. Cefaï (EHESS, co-supervisor), S. Chauvin (UNIL), G. Pruvost (EHESS), E. Hertz (UNINE), J. Katz (UCLA), (Chair: M. Santiago, UNIL).
02.2010: Master of Arts in Sociology, Social Anthropology and Religious Studies (Bilingual French/German). University of Fribourg, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences.

02.2024 – 07.2024
Visiting Professor (professeure invitée), University of Lausanne, Institute for Social Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.
11.2023 –
Professor (tenure track), Bern University of Applied Sciences – Business School, Institute for New Work.
09.2023 – 10.2023
Senior Lecturer (Dozentin), Bern University of Applied Sciences – Business School, Institute for New Work.
02.2021 – 01.2024
Senior Researcher and Lecturer (première assistante / chargée de cours), University of Lausanne, Institute for Social Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.
08.2022 – 01.2023
Lecturer (chargée de cours), EPFL, Collège des Humanités.
06.2020 – 01.2021
SNSF Postdoctoral Visiting Scholar (Postdoc.Mobility), University of Konstanz (Germany), Department of Sociology (Prof. C. Meyer) and Haute école de travail social et de la santé Lausanne (HETSL) (Prof. V. Hugentobler.
02.2020 – 06.2020
Lecturer (chargée de cours), University of Fribourg, Department of Social Sciences.
03.2018 – 02.2020
SNSF Postdoctoral Visiting Scholar (Early.Postdoc.Mobility), Goethe University (Germany), Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Sociology (Prof. H. Hofmeister) and University of Chicago, Department of Sociology (Prof. K. Schilt).
05.2017 – 02.2018
SNSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow, IUMSP (Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine), CHUV (Lausanne University Hospital).
04.2017 – 05.2017
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute for Social Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne.
09.2010 – 08.2016
Phd Student, Teaching & Research Assistant, Institute for Social Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne.
05.2010 – 08.2010
Research Assistant and Group Leader, Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA.
12.2009 – 04.2010
Scientific collaborator, Institute for Sociology, social politics and social work, University of Fribourg.
08.2007 – 03.2010
Intern / Project manager, NGO Terre des femmes Schweiz (brava).