Teaching interests:
Sociology of Work | Sociology of Occupations | Gender Studies |
Sociological Theory | Qualitative Research methods | Ethnography
Teaching and mentoring are integral aspects of my academic identity. I have taught a range of courses at the undergraduate and graduate level across several research institutions, including UNIL, EPFL, UNIFR, EHESS, and more recently BFH, taking on roles ranging from student assistant to lecturer. My teaching philosophy emphasizes interactivity and inclusiveness, creating a dynamic classroom that fosters critical thinking.
Courses taught:
BFH-Business School
Ongoing since 2023, BA-course New forms of work and HRM (56h/semester, 57 students)
In the last decades, work and its organisation have undergone profound changes. Along with them, the tasks and role of Human Resource Management (HRM) have evolved. Topics covered include the shift from bureaucracy to self-organized organizations, as well as Holacracy and Sociocracy. The roles that HRM should and can play in such new organizational forms are critically examined.
EPFL (College of the Humanities)
2022, BA-Course Travail et organisations (28h/semester, 58 students).
The objective of this course is to provide students from the engineering sciences with an understanding of the historical, social, and socio-economic factors that shape the organization of work. Students will gain a deeper understanding of how human work is and has been organized and its impact on social inequalities. Students collaborate in small groups to conduct fieldwork on a chosen occupation.
University of Fribourg
2020, BA/MA Course: Sozialanthropologie und Geschlechterforschung – Theorien, Debatten und Methoden (24h/semester, 23 students),
This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the various theories, current debates, and methods used in Gender Studies within the field of Social Anthropology. We specifically highlight the contributions and perspectives of female anthropologists in shaping and institutionalizing the discipline.
University of Lausanne
Ongoing since 2021, BA Course: Sociologie du travail (56h/semester, 110-130 students)
This course provides an in-depth examination of the social, economic, and historical factors that shape the organization of paid work and explores the ways in which gender and other forms of social inequality intersect with work. Additionally, the course covers current debates and challenges related to the future of work, such as digitalization, precarity, and new social and economic models, such as the universal basic income, four-day workweek, or the revaluation of the social and economic value of care work in society.
2021, BA Seminar: Sociologie de l’éducation, with G. Goastellec (56h/semester, 40 students)
This seminar provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the research methods and techniques used in the sociology of education by examining various case studies. In 2021, the focus was on the impact of digitalization on higher education during the Covid-19 pandemic. Through qualitative research, students explored the sanitary and pedagogical measures implemented and analyzed the effects on student learning processes and strategies at the University of Lausanne.
Since 2021, BA Course: Sociologie générale, with G. Goastellec (56h/year, 600-700 students)
This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the field of sociology by exploring a diverse range of topics such as migration, work, education, and deviance. Through a selection of theoretical approaches, students will gain an understanding of how sociological perspectives can be applied to analyze and understand these topics in the contemporary world.
2013 – 2016, BA seminar in qualitative methods: Enquêter sur un groupe professionnel, with N. Le Feuvre, M. Kuehni (56h/semester, 25-35 students)
This course focuses on the application of qualitative research methods in the sociological study of occupations and professions in the contemporary context. Students collaborate in small groups to conduct fieldwork on a chosen occupation, including the collection of statistical data on sociodemographic characteristics, conducting interviews and observations. The goal is to provide students with the skills and knowledge to critically analyze the social organization of work and the experiences of individuals within different occupations.
School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS, Paris)
2013 – 2014, Research seminar in ethnographic methods for MA and doctoral students “L’enquête ethnographique : observer, décrire et comprendre », (10-15 students)
This methods seminar provides a platform for students to engage in an in-depth examination of ethnographic research methods. It focuses on the various techniques and strategies used for data collection and analysis, as well as the process of writing and presenting ethnographic fieldnotes. Through discussions and hands-on exercises, students gain a deeper understanding of how to conduct ethnographic research and apply it to their own research projects.