Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerland (MOSAiCH)

Cognitive style, attitude importance and response quality (MOSAiCH 2018)

A proposal I submitted to include a questions on the 2018 MOSAiCH study was accepted. The questions were designed to investigate the relation between cognitive style (in particular, need for cognition and need to evaluate), attitude strength (the importance of gender attitudes) and response quality. MOSAiCH is a two-wave online he questions were included in wave 2 of eProposal for question contributions to the MOSAiCH survey (Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerland) 2018, FORS. Accepted (12 question module).


  • Roberts, C. (2017). Cognitive style, attitude importance and response quality. Proposal for question contributions to the MOSAiCH survey (Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerland) 2018, FORS.
  • Michèle Ernst Staehli, Marlène Sapin, Alexandre Pollien, Michael Ochsner, Karin Nisple, Dominique Joye. (2019). MOSAiCH 2018. Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerland. Study on Religion and related topics [Dataset]. Distributed by FORS, Lausanne, 2019.
  • Publication in preparation, please check back soon!

Lockdown measures and time availability (MOSAiCH 2020)

Using data from the 2020 MOSAiCH study, conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic, and previous survey waves, we investigated the impact of the lockdown in Switzerland on response rates and nonresponse bias. The study looked at the relationship between time availability and response propensity and the extent to which this varied as a result of the lockdown measures.


  • Roberts, C., Asensio Manjon, M., and Ernst Stähli, M. (2021). Lockdown measures and time availability: Covid-19 Impact on survey response rates and nonresponse bias. Paper presented at the 9th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Virtual Conference, July 2021.

Digital trust and resistance to digital data collection (MOSAiCH 2024)

A proposal I submitted for a module of 18 questions on the MOSAiCH 2024 survey has been accepted. The questions will be included in the wave 2 questionnaire and have been designed to supplement questions in the ISSP module on Digital Societies, which will be fielded at wave 1 of the survey. A proposal to include an experiment at wave 2 of the survey has also been accepted.


  • Please check back soon for further information.