Swiss Election Study (Selects)

Selects, 2015 and 2011

In 2015, I was invited by Nicolas Pekari and Georg Lutz (FORS) to advise on the design of methodological research linked to the Swiss Election Study. This included a mixed mode experiment and a comparison of data quality between the Selects studies and other non-probability online panels. We had previously conducted research in collaboration with Oliver Lipps, investigating selection errors in the 2011 Selects study, using administrative data from the sampling frame based on the Swiss population register.

Collaborators: Nicolas Pekari, Georg Lutz and Oliver Lipps (FORS)


  • Pekari, N., Lipps, O., Roberts, C., & Lutz, G. (2022). Conditional distributions of frame variables and voting behaviour in probability-based surveys and opt-in panels. Swiss Political Science Review, 00, 1–16.
  • Lipps, O., and Pekari, N. (2022). Sequentially mixing modes in an election study. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field, 2021/05/18.
  • Pekari, N., Lipps, O., Roberts, C. and Lutz, G. (2018). Data quality of opt-in panels versus probability-based surveys.  Methodology News asms 2/2018, Verband Schweizer Markt- und Sozialforschung.
  • Pekari, N. (2016). The future of scientific web surveys. Adapting to a rapidly changing context. Projet de thèse, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UNIL (Supervisors: G. Lutz and C. Roberts).
  • Lipps, O., Pekari, N., and Roberts, C. (2015). Undercoverage and nonresponse in a list-sampled telephone election study. Survey Research Methods, 9(2): 71-82.

Selects, 2019

In 2019, we conducted a large-scale survey experiment alongside the Swiss Election Study panel survey to test the potential value of using a smartphone app to collect data in the context of an online election study. Further information about the Selects-Civique study and its outputs can be found here.