Swiss Household Panel

Swiss Household Panel Mode Experiment, 2017-2018

In preparation for the launch of its third refreshment sample, I was invited by Marieke Voorpostel, Robin Tillman and Oliver Lipps at FORS to advise on the design of a large-scale experiment designed to test alternative waves of using web-based data collection at the recruitment phase of a longitudinal survey, assessing effects on wave 1 participation and drop out at wave 2, and sample composition. The study compared a fully-online design with a mixed mode protocol, combining telephone interviews with household reference persons with web-based questionnaires for individual household members. The study was also designed to assess mode effects on measurement.


  • Voorpostel, M., Roberts, C., and Ghoorbin, M. (2021). Switching to online data collection in a household panel study: effects on post-recruitment drop-out. Survey Methods Insights from the Field. Retrieved from DOI:10.13094/SMIF-2021-00004
  • Roberts, C. and Voorpostel, M. (2023) Combining data collection modes in longitudinal studies. In D. Spini and E. Widmer (Eds.) Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life. Dynamics of Stressors, Resources, and Reserves. Springer. Chapter 22, pp. 359-373.
  • Voorpostel, M., Lipps, O., and Roberts, C. (2021). Mixing modes in household panel surveys: Recent developments and new findings. In P.Lynn (Ed.) Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology, Wiley. DOI:10.1002/9781119376965.ch9
  • Margarita Ghoorbin – Does the mode of data administration impact attrition rate in household panel? (Master’s dissertation, defended May 2020 – University of Lausanne; Supervisors: C. Roberts and M. Voorpostel)
  • Lipps, O., Voorpostel, M., and Monsch, G-A. (2023). Effects of Changing Modes on Item Nonresponse in Panel Surveys. Journal of Official Statistics, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2023, pp. 139–149,
  • Lipps, O. and Voorpostel, M. (2021). Do Web and Telephone Produce the Same Number of Changes and Events in a Panel Survey? methods, data, analyses 2021, pp. 1-18, DOI: 10.12758/mda.2021.09
  • Voorpostel, M., Kuhn, U., Tillmann, R., Monsch, G.-A., Antal, E., Ryser, V.-A., Lebert, F., Klaas, H.S., & Dasoki, N. (2020). Introducing web in a refreshment sample of the Swiss Household Panel: Main findings from a pilot study. FORS Working Paper Series, paper 2020-2. Lausanne: FORS.

LIVES Cohort Study Mode Preferences Study, 2019

In collaboration with LIVES, the Swiss Centre of Expertise in Life Course Research and the FORS Swiss Household Panel Survey Team, I included additional questions to investigate data collection mode preferences among participants in the LIVES Cohort Study. The aim was to investigate the feasibility of switching to online methods in future waves, and in particular, participation on smartphones.


Johnson, S. (2020). Investigating the impact of switching to web in a longitudinal telephone survey: potential effects on sample composition and attrition. Master’s dissertation, defended January 2020 – University of Lausanne. Supervisor: C. Roberts.