
New job at BFH

Since September – after three years of academic mobility and serving as a Senior Lecturer (première assistante) at the University of Lausanne -, I started a new position as a Professor (tenure track) at the Bern University of Applied Sciences – Business School (BFH).

I am now a part of the Institute for New Work and excited about continuing my research in the fields of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and the transformation of work.

Lucia Lanfranconi and I have accepted this position as part of a job-sharing arrangement. Please find here our portrait and learn morn about our projects (in German).


(De)gendering vulnerabilities

Swiss Sociological Association (SSA) Congress – September 9 to 11, 2024

Together with colleagues from the Gender Research Committee of the SSA we are organizing a panel on (De-) Gendering vulnerabilities.

Gender studies have always been concerned with how vulnerability is intertwined with gender. Looking back at historical developments in sociological research on gender, concepts of vulnerability have changed. While the focus was initially on socio-structural inequalities, which provided an important contribution to making gender differences visible, new concepts emerged focusing more on how vulnerability is linked to a collectively female experience of inequality. The planned workshop will critically discuss the relationship between gender and vulnerabilities in different research contexts. To what extent is gender (ir)relevant with regard to vulnerable groups and how does the category influence the perception and construction of vulnerabilities in the first place (e.g., single parents, employees in the low-wage sector, sex workers, welfare recipients)? How do organizations or national contexts (re)poduce vulnerabilities and how is gender linked to it (e.g., science, school, labor market, social work)?

Full call for papers:

Please submit your abstract of maximum 2000 characters by 5 January 2024 to stephanie.steinmetz at

Organizers: Stephanie Steinmetz (University of Lausanne, Quartier UNIL-Mouline), Nathalie Pasche (Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit FHNW), Christina Bornatici (FORS – Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences), Irene Kriesi (Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training, SFUVET), Lucia Lanfranconi (Bern University of Applied Sciences & Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts); Isabelle Zinn (Bern University of Applied Sciences & University of Lausanne), Martina Peitz (Independent researcher).


webinaire: diversification des métiers de l’aide

À l’occasion de la sortie du numéro 172 de Gérontologie et société, un webinaire a été organisé avec les coordinatrices du numéro Valérie HUGENTOBLER et Isabelle ZINN le 14 décembre 2023 de 12h à 13h.͏‌ Merci à toutes les personnes qui ont participé à la discussion!



LABORIS est une association interdisciplinaire de chercheuses et chercheurs ainsi que d’acteurs et d’actrices issu·es du monde du travail, de la société civile et de la politique. La création de LABORIS – le 1er mai 2023 – est l’aboutissement de 10 ans de différentes initiatives visant à renforcer la recherche sur le travail en Suisse.

Le 30 novembre aura lieu la première AG, avec au programme une conférence, suivie d’un apéro.


New work, new problems?

We aimed aimed at discussing the transformation of work and its consequences for gender norms, the resulting division of labour and the (new) balance of paid and unpaid care work.

Organized by the Gender Studies Committee of the Swiss Sociological Association and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, the conference has taken place in the city of Lucerne from Sept. 7 to Sept. 8, 2023

Please check out our conference website


SAGS 2023 Conference

University of Lausanne, 14-15 September 2023

The central theme for the 2023 conference considers gender as it relates to the notion of work, from the organization of gender difference and hierarchy in the professional world, to more generally the work of reproducing – but also contesting – gender relations at the level of discourse, practice, and organizational and institutional structures. This call for submissions is thus organized around two major thematic axes that welcome diverse interventions on the theme of Gender(ed) labor.

see call for paper (closed) – see program


Cfp: Ateliers Lausannois d’Ethnographie

Le rapport de l’ethnographe aux matériaux empiriques. Perspectives subjectives, disciplinaires et politiques

Université de Lausanne, 8 et 9 juin 2023

La présente édition des ALE a pour but de mettre la question des données ethnographiques au centre des discussions. Il s’agira, à travers des retours réflexifs, de se réapproprier la question des matériaux empiriques, et plus particulièrement de leur nature, rôle et statut, afin de mieux en délimiter les formes et les frontières dans un contexte de standardisation accru des pratiques de recherche et, plus particulièrement, en matière de gestion des données.