
Undocumented Mobility (Tunisia-Switzerland) and Digital-Cultural Ressources after the “Arab  Spring” Project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation 2014-2017

(In)visible islam in the city: Material and Immaterial expressions of Muslim practices within urban spaces in Switzerland Project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation 2013-2016

Anthropology of the Street: Paris – Tokyo Project funded by the Research Ministry of Japan 2011-2015

International Migration Europe – China: Shifting Politics of Belonging Project funded by the European Commission 2010-2013

Réseaux sociaux transnationaux: l’occupation de l’espace public par les confréries soufies aux Etats-Unis et en Europe (Suisse, France, Italie, Allemagne)

Les carnavals euro-méditerranéens entre subversion et folklorisation Project funded by the MuCEM (Musée des Cultures Euro-Méditerranéennes, Marseille) 2013-2014

Ruhr Area and Istanbul: The Economies of Urban Diversity Project funded in the realm of the Global Young Faculty/Foundation Mercator 2009-2013