Male/Female politicians and sport

Pauline Rappaz, « Heads of state from outside politics » (with Marc Perrenoud), RTS, émission « Tout un monde », 5 September 2018

« Presidents and sport ", Planète+, 10 September 2017, a never-before-seen documentary directed by Manuel Herrero and Sylvain Louvet and produced by Capa

Sébastien Billard et Paul Laubacher, Le Nouvel Obs, "The Presidents of the Fifth Republic and Sport, July 2017: De Gaulle, Pompidou, Giscard d’Estaing, Mitterrand, Chirac

Jacques Besnard, « Qui est le meilleur supporter de foot : François Hollande ou Angela Merkel ? ", Slate, 7 July 2016

Kévin Saigault,, 23 February 2016, " Valls, Pécresse, Macron...: why are politicians so keen on boxing? »

Manuelle Calmat, Sport & Style, 5 December 2015, " Sport, in or out? », p. 32