The challenges of managing cultural heritage organizations

In a forthcoming book chapter, I discuss the managerial challenges that cultural heritage organizations currently face and how perhaps they (should) address them. First, I define cultural heritage and cultural heritage organizations and compare them with other (service) organizations to identify their specificities. Then, I address the main challenges cultural heritage organizations face in managing both their internal and external environments, and how management research is or could be deployed to explain how they are (and sometimes should be) dealt. Particular attention is given to the management of the mission and legitimacy of cultural heritage institutions (such as the notions of a museum or a library) and of particular cultural heritage organizations within each field, as well as to the role that professionals and their values play in these organizations.

Castañer, X. (2013). “Management Challenges of Cultural Heritage Organizations”. In I. Rizzo and A. Mignosa (eds), Handbook of Cultural Heritage, Edward Elgar: 209-230.