
I am happy to give interviews or comment on current affairs regarding Swiss politics, federalism, regionalism or local governments. English, German, French or Italian are all fine.

See also my profile at Avis d’Experts

Here’s a selection of past media appearances & citations:

13.2.2025: Swissinfo, on language competences of Swiss ministers (German; French)

13.2.2025: Bieler Tagblatt, on the workload in the city parliament

7.2.2025: SRF radio, on the Valais/Wallis cantonal elections

23.1.2025: RSI “Modem”, on the problems of the Centre Party to find suitable candidates

23.1.2025: Ticinonews, on young people and democracy

4.1.2025: Politico, on direct democracy in Switzerland & California

3.1.2025: on RTS “Forum”, on the forged signatures & e-signatures

11.12.2024: In Le Temps, on the “cantonal freedom index”

30.11.2024: In the NZZ am Sonntag, on the left-wing drift of Swiss cities

25.11.2024: Newspaper Watson, on the Swiss referendums

25.11.2024: RTS “Forum”, sur les votations populaires

25.11.2024: SRF Radio, on the Berne city elections

22.11.2024: SRF “10 vor 10”, zum Röstigraben

17.11.2024: Platform J, on the Bern city elections

23.9.2024: RSI Telegiornale & RTS “1930”, on the Swiss popular votes

15.9.2024: Politico, on direct democracy in Switzerland & Basel-City

11.9.2024: TeleBielingue, on the Biel local elections

25.4.2024: RTS Podcast, sur le conservatisme en Suisse

4.3.2024: Radio SRF, on the Valais constitutional referendum

30.11.2023: RSI Telegiornale, sul divario città-campagna

27.11.23: RSI Telegiornale, sulla successione di Alain Berset

13.11.23: RTS “Forum”, sur le clivage villes-campagne

22.10.23: BlueNews, über das Resultat der Schweizer Wahlen 2023

14.10.23: NZZ am Sonntag, über die kommenden Schweizer Wahlen

1.9.23: RTS “Forum”, sur la démocratie directe

31.3.23: SRF Podcast “Einfach Politik”, on the Röstigraben

9.12.22: RTS “Forum”, sur le poids politique des villes

3.11.22: RTS “Forum”, sur la succession de Simonetta Sommaruga

27.12.21: RTS “Forum”, sur la Question jurassienne

29.3.21: Radio and TV interviews for RSI, SRF4 and TeleBärn on the Moutier referendum [Italian and German]

30.9.20: RTS, radio interview on rebel cities [French]

22.9.20:, online interview on the Swiss parliament [German]

19.2.20: TeleTicino, TV talkshow on democracy by sortition [Italian]

12.2.20: RSI, radio talk on Swiss party presidents [Italian]

19.1.20: SRF Ostschweiz, radio interview on cantonal elections in SG & TG [German]

6.1.20: Cooperazione, print interview on Canton Ticino [Italian]

3.10.19: Swissinfo, print interview on the Swiss parliamentary elections [French + 7 other languages]

17.1.19: RSI, radio talk on the “Affaire Maudet” [Italian]

6.11.18: RSI, radio talk on the Moutier question [Italian]

10.9.18: TV and radio interviews in TeleBärn und SRF-Radio [German]

7.9.18: Swissinfo, video explainer on “What is Federalism?” [German + 9 other languages]

18.10.17: SRF2 Kultur “Kontext, Gespräch zu Sezessionen in Europa. Audio [German] here