Recent Conferences:

March 14-16, The Gothic in a Time of Contagion, Populism and Racial Injustice
Nov. 7 & 8:
Sept. 12-14, “The Prolonged Death of the Hippie, 1967-1969,” Basel University
Coming up in at UNIL in Autumn 2019:
Unsustanability program booklet
Previous Events at UNIL:
CUSO English Doctoral School Workshop: The Cultural Work of Violence, March 22 & 23
Other Previous Conferences:
Nov. 18, 2017: Keynote at the University of Exeter, organized by the British Association of 19th Century Americanists on the topic of
Progress, Utopia, and Apocalypse : The Overlapping Temporalities of the 19th Century
Nov. 25 & 26: CUSO English Doctoral School Graduate conference “American Studies: Looking Backward and Looking Forward”
This two-day event is for doctoral students (and advanced MA students) who are potentially interested in a career in American Studies and would like to know (among other possible questions) how to position their research interests in this evolving field.
Guest speakers: Tomasz Basiuk from the American Studies Center in Warsaw and Cynthia Wu from SUNY (Buffalo)
Friday May 13: American Gothic Study Day (UNIL)
June 22-23, 2015: Apocalypse Now: Neoliberalism and Apocalyptic Narratives
Graduate colloquium
English Department, University of Lausanne
Keynote Speakers:
Adam Kelly, University of York
Christian Arnsperger, University of Lausanne
Anas Sareen
October 2015, “Transnational Approaches to American Literature” 2-day conference with guest speakers David Watson and Silvia Schultermandl
Recent Conferences at UNIL:
July 16-17, 2014: New Narratives of the Cold War
ALL THAT GOTHIC CONFERENCE, ?ód?, 9-11 October, 2014