Fall 2022 Info session Oct. 13 at 12:00 to 12:30 in ANT 5021
Exchanges to North American Universities
Students are invited to come see me about planning their year abroad at a North American University.
Please note: you should have your TOEFL results before you apply in December, so if you would like to go abroad in the Fall of 2011, make an appointment to take the TOEFL immediately! The Centre de Langues can help you prepare for it.
Centre de langues: TOEFL preparation
Teaching in the U.S.
Lausanne students have the possibility to teach for a year in the U.S. as interns through the Amity program. This means you help a teacher in the classroom while living with a host family. There is no regular salary but your food and accommodation is taken care of, and you have a small monthly allowance for other expenses. This is a great experience for perfecting your English, learning about another culture, and acquiring teaching experience and insight from another school system than what you know here. It also fulfills the HEP requirement for a linguistic stay abroad. There is no specific deadline but you should contact me by the end of the fall semester (or no later than January) for the following school year.
For more information about the teaching internships in the US, come see me or click on the link below. The application must be given to me.
Exchanges with the American Studies Center at the University of Warsaw
We have recently established an exchange program at the BA & MA level with the American Studies Center at the University of Warsaw. If you are interested in studying American Studies (including history, philosophy, social theory, political throughout and other subjects that we don’t offer at Lausanne), please ask me about it. Here is the link for the American Studies Center:
And here is the information about it on the UNIL mobility database website:
University of Warsaw SEMP (post-ERASMUS) agreement