
1. Monographs (*peer-reviewed)

*Mueller, Sean. 2024. Shared Rule in Federal Theory and Practice: Concept, Causes, Consequences. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Open Access, courtesy of the Swiss National Science Foundation

*Linder, Wolf, and Sean Mueller. 2021. Swiss Democracy: Possible Solutions to Conflict in Multicultural Societies. 4th, fully revised and updated edition. London: Palgrave. Available in Open Access, courtesy of the Swiss National Science Foundation.

Linder, Wolf, and Sean Mueller. 2017. Schweizerische Demokratie: Institutionen, Prozesse, Perspektiven. 4., komplett überarbeitete Neuauflage. Bern: Haupt. Buy here

*Mueller, Sean. 2015. Theorising Decentralisation: Comparative Evidence from Subnational Switzerland. Colchester: ECPR Press. Buy here
[–> Reviews: Wolf Linder in Swiss Political Science Review, Jan Erk in Regional & Federal Studies]

2. Edited Volumes (*peer-reviewed)

Mueller, Sean, and Adrian Vatter (eds.). 2020. Der Ständerat: Die Zweite Kammer der Schweiz. Zürich: NZZ Libro. Buy here

Mueller, Sean, and Anja Giudici (eds.). 2017. Federalismo Svizzero: Attori, Strutture, Processi. Locarno: Armando Dadò. Buy here

*Mazzoleni, Oscar, and Sean Mueller (eds.). 2016. Regionalist Parties in Western Europe: Dimensions of Success.London & New York: Routledge. Buy here

*Gagnon, Alain-G., Soeren Keil and Sean Mueller (eds.). 2015. Understanding Federalism and Federation. London & New York: Routledge. Buy here

3. Special Issues and Symposia (all peer-reviewed)

Mueller, Sean, and Nathalie Behnke (eds.). 2017. Better Together? The Politics of Intergovernmental Relations in Federal Systems. Special Issue of Regional & Federal Studies 27:5. pdf

Mueller, Sean, David Siroky and Michael Hechter (eds.). 2016. Power, Territory and Nationalism: Center-Periphery Bargaining in the Age of Democracy. Special Issue of Swiss Political Science Review 22:4. pdf

Mueller, Sean, Adrian Vatter and Markus Freitag (eds.). 2016. Switzerland’s New Challenge: Governing After the 2015 Elections. Symposium, Swiss Political Science Review 22:1, 1–74.

Freitag, Markus, Adrian Vatter and Sean Mueller (eds.). 2015. Switzerland’s Immigration Challenge: A Symposium. Swiss Political Science Review 21:1, 1–98.

Burgess, Michael, Soeren Keil and Sean Mueller (eds.). 2013. Federalism and Identity. Special Issue of Federal Governance 10:2.

4. Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Mueller, Sean, Paolo Dardanelli, Min Reuchamps, Pirmin Bundi, André Lecours & Christoph Niessen. 2024. A francophone political culture? Similarities and differences among French speakers in Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, and France. French Politics 22(2): 115–35. pdf

Mueller, Sean, and Pirmin Bundi. 2024. Multilingual federalism in times of crisis. Regional & Federal Studies. pdf 

Mueller, Sean, Adrian Vatter and Sereina Dick. 2023. A New Index of Bicameralism: Taking Legitimacy Seriously. Journal of Legislative Studies 29(2): 312–36. pdf

Mueller, Sean. Integration through Inclusion? 2023 Probing the Effect of Government Presence on Voting Behavior in the Swiss Cantons, 1848–2022. Nationalities Papers 51(5): 1019–38. pdf

Mueller, Sean, and Alan Fenna. 2022. Dual versus Administrative Federalism: Origins and Evolution of Two Models. Publius: The Journal of Federalism 52(4): 525–52. pdf

Siroky, David, Sean Mueller, Michael Hechter and André Fazi. 2021. Containing Nationalism: Culture, Economics and Indirect Rule in Corsica. Comparative Political Studies 54(6): 1023–57. pdf

Mueller, Sean, Marlène Gerber and Hanspeter Schaub. 2021. Democracy Beyond Secrecy: Assessing the Promises and Pitfalls of Collective Voting. Swiss Political Science Review 27(1): 61–83. pdf

Arnold, Tobias, Sean Mueller and Adrian Vatter. 2021. Shock or Design: What Drives Fiscal De/Centralization? A Comparative Analysis of 29 OECD Countries, 1995–2017. Publius: The Journal of Federalism 51(1): 1–26. pdf

Mueller, Sean, and Michael Hechter. 2021. Centralization through Decentralization? The Crystallization of Social Order in the European Union. Territory, Politics, Governance 9(1): 133–52. pdf

Freiburghaus, Rahel, Alexander Arens and Sean Mueller. 2021. With or Against their Region? Multiple-Mandate Holders in the Swiss Parliament, 1985–2018. Local Government Studies 47(6): 971–92. pdf

Mueller, Sean, and Anja Heidelberger. 2020. Should we stay or should we join? 30 years of Sovereignism and direct democracy in Switzerland. European Politics and Society 21(2): 182–201. pdf

Mueller, Sean. 2019. Catalonia: Perils of Majoritarianism. Journal of Democracy 30(2): 142–56. pdf

Dardanelli, Paolo, and Sean Mueller. 2019. Dynamic De/Centralisation in Switzerland, 1848–2010. Publius: The Journal of Federalism 49(1): 138–65. pdf

Dardanelli, Paolo, John Kincaid, Alan Fenna, André Kaiser, André Lecours, Ajay Kumar Singh, Sean Mueller and Stephan Vogel. 2019. Dynamic De/Centralization in Federations: Comparative Conclusions. Publius: The Journal of Federalism 49(1): 194–219. pdf

Gerber, Marlène, Hanspeter Schaub and Sean Mueller. 2019. O sister, where art thou? Theory and evidence on female participation at citizen assemblies. European Journal of Politics & Gender 2(2): 173–95. pdf

Mueller, Sean, Marc Bühlmann and Maxime Zuber. 2019. Squaring the Circle: The Geometry of Power-Sharing in the Swiss Canton of Berne. Ethnopolitics 18(2): 158–77. pdf

Mueller, Sean, and Julian Bernauer. 2018. Party Unity in Federal Disunity: Determinants of decentralised policy-seeking in Switzerland. West European Politics 41(3): 565–93. pdf

Gerber, Marlène, and Sean Mueller. 2018. When the people speak – and decide: deliberation and direct democracy in the citizen assembly of Glarus, Switzerland. Policy & Politics 46(3): 371–90. pdf

Behnke, Nathalie, and Sean Mueller. 2017. The purpose of intergovernmental councils: A framework for analysis and comparison. Regional & Federal Studies 27(5): 507–27.

Schnabel, Johanna, and Sean Mueller. 2017. Vertical Influence or Horizontal Coordination? The Purpose of Intercantonal Conferences in Switzerland. Regional & Federal Studies 27(5): 549–72.

Siroky, David, Sean Mueller and Michael Hechter. 2017. Cultural Legacies and Political Preferences: The Failure of Separatism in the Swiss Jura. European Political Science Review 9(2): 303–27. pdf

Mueller, Sean, Adrian Vatter and Charlie Schmid. 2017. Self-Interest vs. Solidarity? The referendum on fiscal equalisation in Switzerland. Statistics, Politics and Policy 7(1–2): 3–28. pdf

Mueller, Sean, Adrian Vatter and Tobias Arnold. 2017. State Capture from Below? The Contradictory Effects of Decentralisation on Public Spending. Journal of Public Policy 37(4): 363–400. pdf

Mazzoleni, Oscar, and Sean Mueller. 2017. Cross-Border Integration through Contestation? Regionalist Parties and Media in the Swiss-Italian Borderland. Journal of Borderlands Studies 32(2): 173–92. pdf

Mueller, Sean. 2016. Fewer, Bigger – Stronger? The Political Consequences of Local Government Mergers in Switzerland. Yearbook of Swiss Administrative Sciences, 52–64. pdf

Mueller, Sean, and Oscar Mazzoleni. 2016. Regionalist Protest through Shared Rule? Peripherality and the Use of Cantonal Initiatives in Switzerland. Regional & Federal Studies 26(1): 45–71. pdf

Bochsler, Daniel, Sean Mueller and Julian Bernauer. 2016. An Ever Closer Union? The Nationalisation of Political Parties in Switzerland, 1991–2015. Swiss Political Science Review 22(1): 29–40. pdf

Mueller, Sean, and Paolo Dardanelli. 2014. Langue, culture politique et centralisation en Suisse. Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée 21(4): 83–104. Dossier thématique « Les sociétés plurilingues en débat », ed. Min Reuchamps. pdf

Mueller, Sean. 2014. Shared Rule in Federal Political Systems: Conceptual Lessons from Subnational Switzerland. Publius: The Journal of Federalism 44(1): 82–108. pdf

Albertazzi, Daniele, and Sean Mueller. 2013. Populism and Liberal Democracy: Populists in Government in Austria, Italy, Poland and Switzerland. Government & Opposition 48(3): 343–71. Special issue in memory of Ghita Ionescu, ed. Ingrid van Biezen & Helen Wallace. pdf

Mueller, Sean, and Soeren Keil, 2013. The Territoriality of Fiscal Solidarity: Comparing Swiss Equalisation with European Union Structural Funding. Perspectives on Federalism 5(1): 122–48. pdf

Mueller, Sean. 2013. Conflicting Cantonalisms: Disputed Sub-national Territorial Identities in Switzerland. L’Europe en Formation 369, 86–102. Special issue on “Small Worlds: Constituent Units in Federal States and Federal Political Systems”, ed. Michael Burgess & Soeren Keil.

Mueller, Sean. 2012. Federalism and the Concept of Political Territoriality: Towards an Analytical Framework for Comparative Territorial Politics. L’Europe en Formationno. 363, 95–120. Special issue on “A New Era of Federalism”, ed. Francesco Palermo & Elisabeth Alber.

Mueller, Sean. 2011. The Politics of Local Autonomy: Measuring Cantonal (De)Centralisation in Switzerland. Space and Polity 15(3): 213–239.

Mueller, Sean. 2007. The Conflict between Basescu and Tariceanu – A Governmental System Viewpoint. Sfera Politicii–Romanian Political Science Journal 126–127, 50–61.

5. Book Chapters

Mueller, Sean. 2024. Bicameralism. In Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions, ed. Adrian Vatter & Rahel Freiburghaus. London: Edward Elgar, 263–75. pdf

Mueller, Sean. 2024. Regionalisierung der interkantonalen Zusammenarbeit: Chance oder Gefahr? In Intergouvernementale Beziehungen in föderalen Systemen, ed. Andreas Stöckli & Luis Maiorini. Bern: Stämpfli, 103–19.

Linder, Wolf, and Sean Mueller. 2024. Switzerland: A Paradigmatic Case of Political Integration. In Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics, ed. Patrick Emmenegger, Flavia Fossati, Silja Häusermann, Yannis Papadopoulos, Pascal Sciarini and Adrian Vatter. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 15–32. pdf

Freiburghaus, Rahel, and Sean Mueller. 2024. Switzerland, quo vadis? Current challenges and potential solutions for Swiss politics. In Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics, ed. Patrick Emmenegger, Flavia Fossati, Silja Häusermann, Yannis Papadopoulos, Pascal Sciarini and Adrian Vatter. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 773–94. pdf

Mueller, Sean. 2023. Majoritarianism and Secession: An Ambiguous but Powerful Relationship. In The Routledge Handbook on Self-Determination and Secession, ed. Ryan D. Griffiths, Aleksandar Pavković & Peter Radan. London: Routledge, 247–64. pdf

Kammerer, Marlene, Sean Mueller, Karin Ingold, and Maria Gallmann. Climate Governance and Federalism in Switzerland. 2023. In Federalism and Climate Change Governance, ed. Alan Fenna, Sébastien Jodoin & Joana Setzer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 285–305. pdf

Mueller, Sean. 2022. Agreeing to Disagree: Federal Veto Powers in Switzerland. In Defensive Federalism:How can self-government can be protected from the Tyranny of the Majority? Ed. Ferran Requejo & Marc Sanjaume. London: Routledge, 131–52.

Mueller, Sean, and Anja Heidelberger. 2022. Den Röschtigraben vermessen: Breite, Tiefe, Dauerhaftigkeit. In Direkte Demokratie in der Schweiz: Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Abstimmungsforschung, ed. Hans-Peter Schaub & Marc Bühlmann. Zurich/Geneva: Seismo Verlag AG, 137–57.

Mueller, Sean. 2022. The Paradox of Cooperation: Intergovernmental Relations and Identity Conflicts in Switzerland. In Intergovernmental relations in divided societies, ed. Yonatan T. Fessha, Karl Kössler & Francesco Palermo. London: Palgrave, 1–29.

Mueller, Sean, Rahel Freiburghaus and Adrian Vatter. 2021. La pandemia, una vaccinazione per il federalismo svizzero? In In movimento, nonostante il lockdown: L’esperienza Svizzera del Covid-19, ed. Oscar Mazzoleni & Sergio Rossi. Locarno: Armando Dadò, 173–89.

Freiburghaus, Rahel, Sean Mueller and Adrian Vatter. 2021. Switzerland: Overnight centralization in one of the world’s most federal countries. In Federalism and the Response to COVID-19A Comparative Analysised. Forum of Federations. London: Routledge, 217–38.

Mueller, Sean. 2021. Rooting for Europe: Territorial patterns in voting behaviour. In Switzerland-EU Relations: Lessons for the UK after Brexit? Ed. Paolo Dardanelli & Oscar Mazzoleni. London, Routledge: 119–34.

Mueller, Sean, and Jean-Luc Gassmann. 2021. Elected Prefects? The Curious Case of Switzerland. In Prefects, Governors and Commissioners: Territorial Representatives of the State in Europe, ed. Gildas Tanguy & Jean-Michel Eymeri-Douzans. London: Palgrave, 303–24.

Mueller, Sean. 2021. Federalism and Direct Democracy in Switzerland: Competing or Complementary? In Federal Democracies at Work. Varieties of Complex Government, ed. Arthur Benz & Jared Sonnicksen. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 99–121.

Mueller, Sean. 2021. The Politics of Compromise: Institutions and Actors of Power-Sharing in Switzerland. In Power-Sharing in Europe: Past Practice, Present Cases, and Future Directions, ed. Soeren Keil & Allison McCulloch. London: Palgrave, 67–87.

Mueller, Sean and Adrian Vatter. 2020. Switzerland (Swiss Confederation). In The Forum of Federations Handbook of Federal Countries 2020, ed. Ann Griffiths, Rupak Chattopadhyay, John Light & Carl Stieren. London: Palgrave, 343–54.

Mueller, Sean and Adrian Vatter. 2020. Einleitung und Zusammenfassung. In Der Ständerat: Zweite Kammer der Schweiz, ed. Sean Mueller & Adrian Vatter. Zürich: NZZ Libro, 21–33.

Mueller, Sean, Sereina Dick and Rahel Freiburghaus. 2020. Ständerat, stärkerer Rat? Die Gesetzgebungsmacht der Zweiten Kammer im Vergleich zu National- und Bundesrat. In Der Ständerat: Zweite Kammer der Schweiz, ed. Sean Mueller & Adrian Vatter. Zürich: NZZ Libro, 119–45.

Mueller, Sean. 2020. Spezial- oder Normalfall? Der Ständerat und der Einfluss von Regionalregierungen auf die Bundespolitik im internationalen Vergleich. In Der Ständerat: Zweite Kammer der Schweiz, ed. Sean Mueller & Adrian Vatter. Zürich: NZZ Libro, 229–52.

Mueller, Sean. 2020. Grundgesetz und deutscher Föderalismus von außen betrachtet: Inspirationen für die Schweiz? In Reformbaustelle Bundesstaat: 70 Jahre Grundgesetz im Spiegel internationaler Erfahrungen, ed. Felix Knüpling, Mario Kölling, Sabine Kropp & Henrik Scheller. Berlin: Springer, 247–66.

Mueller, Sean. 2020. Autonomie gouvernementale et gouvernance partagée: Poser les termes du débat. In Cinquante déclinaisons du fédéralisme: Théorie, enjeux et études de cas, ed. Félix Mathieu, Dave Guénette and Alain-G. Gagnon. Montréal: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 47–55.

Mueller, Sean. 2019. Federalism and the Politics of Shared Rule. A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies, ed. John Kincaid. Cheltenham/UK: Edward Elgar, 162–74.

Mueller, Sean. 2019. Chi è a favore dell’UE? Le dimensioni territoriali dell’europeismo svizzero, 1992–2014. In Svizzera-Unione europea: un rapporto irrisolto, ed. Oscar Mazzoleni & Paolo Dardanelli. Locarno: Armando Dadò, 193–211.

Mueller, Sean. 2019. Parliamoci! Föderale Sprachenvielfalt als Zeichen funktionierender Konkordanz? In Konkordanz im Parlament: Entscheidungsfindung zwischen Kooperation und Konkurrenz, ed. Marc Bühlmann, Anja Heidelberger & Hans-Peter Schaub. Zurich: NZZ Verlag, 71–90.

Storz, Anna and Sean Mueller. 2018. Parlamentarische Kontrolle: Parteipolitik oder Machtteilung? Die PUK-Anträge im Schweizer Parlament. In Ohnmacht des Parlaments? Die schweizerischen Legislativen unter Druck, ed. Adrian Vatter. Zurich: NZZ Verlag, 165–96.

Storz, Anna and Sean Mueller. 2018. Parlamentarische Kontrolle: Parteipolitik oder Machtteilung? Die PUK-Anträge im Schweizer Parlament. In Ohnmacht des Parlaments? Die schweizerischen Legislativen unter Druck, ed. Adrian Vatter. Zurich: NZZ Verlag, 165–96.

Mueller, Sean and Vatter, Adrian. 2016. Federalism and Decentralisation in Switzerland. In Federal Power-Sharing in Europe, ed. Ferdinand Karlhofer and Günther Pallaver Baden-Baden: Nomos, 39–63.

Mueller, Sean and Vatter, Adrian. 2016. Die Schweiz: Reföderalisierung und schleichende Zentralisierung im Schatten der direkten Demokratie. In Föderale Kompetenzverteilung in Europa, ed. A. Gamper et al. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 67–101.

Mazzoleni, Oscar and Sean Mueller. 2016. Introduction: Explaining the policy success of regionalistparties in Western Europe. In Regionalist Parties in Western Europe, ed. Oscar Mazzoleni & Sean Mueller. London & New York: Routledge, 1–21.

Mazzoleni, Oscar, Sean Mueller and Emilie van Haute. 2016. Conclusion. In Regionalist Parties in Western Europe, ed. Oscar Mazzoleni & Sean Mueller. London & New York: Routledge, 169–88.

Bernauer, Julian, and Sean Mueller. 2015. Einheit in der Vielfalt oder Vielfalt in der Einheit? Ausmass und Gründe der Nationalisierung von Schweizer Parteien. In Wahlen und Wähler in der Schweiz: Analysen anlässlich der eidgenössischen Wahlen 2015, ed. Adrian Vatter & Markus Freitag. Zurich: NZZ Verlag, 325–54.

Gagnon, Alain-G., Soeren Keil & Sean Mueller. 2015. Introduction. InUnderstanding Federalism & Federation,ed. A.-G. Gagnon, S. Keil & Sean Mueller. London: Ashgate.

Mueller, Sean. 2015. Switzerland: Federalism as an Ideology of Balance. In Understanding Federalism & Federation,ed. A.-G. Gagnon, S. Keil & Sean Mueller. London: Ashgate.

Vatter, Adrian and Sean Mueller. 2014. Regionalismus als Ausweg aus der Krise. In Aus der Krise lernen: Auf dem Weg zu einer weltoffenen und humanen Gesellschaft, ed. Erwin Teufel & Winfried Mack. Freiburg i.Br.: Herder-Verlag, 153–65.

Mueller, Sean. 2009. Fiscal Decentralisation in Switzerland. In Foreign Experience of Intergovernmental Fiscal Innovations, ed. Vladimir Klimanov. Moscow: IROF, 11–35.

6. Book Reviews

“Pascal Sciarini (2022): Politique suisse: Institutions, acteurs, processus.” Swiss Political Science Review (June 2023).

“(Sonnicksen/Keil&Kropp/Gagnon) Bekanntes, Unbekanntes und Verkanntes in der Föderalismusforschung.” Politische Vierteljahresschrift (June 2023).

“André Lecours (2021): Nationalism, Secessionism, and Autonomy.” Canadian Journal of Political Science (March2022).

“Karlo Basta (2021): The symbolic state. Minority recognition, majority backlash, and secession in multinational countries.” Regional & Federal Studies (March 2022).

“Nenad Stojanović (2021): Multilingual Democracy: Switzerland and Beyond.” Swiss Political Science Review (January2022).

“Patricia Popelier (2021): Dynamic federalism: a new theory for cohesion and regional autonomy.” Regional & Federal Studies (June 2021).

“Arthur Benz (2020): Föderale Demokratie. Regieren im Spannungsfeld von Interdependenz und Autonomie.” German Politics (November 2020).

“Andreas Wimmer (2018): Nation building: why some countries come together while others fall apart.” Regional & Federal Studies (September 2018).

“Oscar Mazzoleni (2017): Les défis du régionalisme politique en Suisse: Le Tessin et ses relations avec Berne.” Swiss Political Science Review (March 2018).

“Alan Tarr & Michael Burgess (eds.) (2012): Constitutional Dynamics in Federal Systems: Sub-national Perspectives.” Regional & Federal Studies (May 2014).

“Frédéric Bouhon & Min Reuchamps (eds.) (2012): Les systèmes électoraux de la Belgique.” Revue française de science politique (December 2013).

“Min Reuchamps (2011): L’avenir du fédéralisme en Belgique et au Canada: Quand les citoyens en parlent.” Revue canadienne de science politique (September 2013).

“Sonia Alonso (2012): Challenging the State: Devolution and the Battle for Partisan Credibility. A Comparison of Belgium, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom.” Swiss Political Science Review (December 2012).

“Nicole Bolleyer (2009): Intergovernmental Cooperation. Rational Choice in Federal Systems and Beyond.” Regional & Federal Studies (July 2012).

“Kyle Scott (2011): Federalism. A Normative Theory and its Practical Relevance.” Swiss Political Science Review (March 2012).

7. Reports, Notes & Replies

Mueller, Sean. 2023. Stärkung des Parlaments durch Wahl der Regierung? Parlament, Parlement, Parlamento 23(2): 9–16. pdf

Arens, Alexander, Sean Mueller and Adrian Vatter. 2021. Finanzausgleich mal anders: Interkantonale Zusammenarbeit mit Lastenausgleich. In Jahrbuch des Föderalismus, ed. Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismusforschung Tübingen. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 301–14.

Arnold, Tobias, Alexander Arens, Sean Mueller and Adrian Vatter. 2019. Schweizer Föderalismus im Wandel: die versteckten politischen Effekte der NFA. In Jahrbuch des Föderalismus, ed. Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismusforschung Tübingen. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 165–76.

Arens, Alexander, Tobias Arnold, Sean Mueller and Adrian Vatter. 2017. Föderalismus und Dezentralisierung in der Schweiz: Die politischen Effekte der Föderalismusreform NFA. In Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2017, ed. Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismusforschung Tübingen. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 184-195.

Gerber, Marlène, Hans-Peter Schaub & Sean Mueller. 2016. Forschungsbericht über die Umfrage zur Landsgemeinde Glarus. Bern: Institut für Politikwissenschaft.

Mueller, Sean and Marlène Gerber. 2016. The parliamentary and executive elections in Switzerland, 2015. Electoral Studies 43 (September), 194–97.

Bühlmann, Marc, and Sean Mueller. 2015. Mischverfassung statt Mehrheitsentscheidung. Erwägen–Wissen–Ethik 2015/1, 102–4.

Mueller, Sean. 2014. The parliamentary and executive elections in the Republic of Georgia, 2012. Electoral Studies 34, 342–46.

Mueller, Sean and Paolo Dardanelli. 2013. Notes on recent elections: The parliamentary and executive elections in Switzerland, 2011. Electoral Studies 32:1, 197–201.

8. Blog Post

(With Anja Heidelberger) “Dem Röstigraben auf der Spur”, at DeFacto (23.9.22).

(With Nenad Stojanović) “Verfassungsreform im Wallis: Ein Proporz mit Sitzgarantie für den Walliser Staatsrat?”, at DeFacto (28.2.22).

(With Nenad Stojanović) “Des sièges garantis sous la proportionnalité au Conseil d’État Valaisan ?”, at DeFacto(28.2.22).

(With Céline Helfenstein) “Die Gretchenfrage der Schweizer Armee”, at DeFacto (7.12.21).

“Why Georgia’s local elections could trigger new instability in the country”, at LSE Europop (27.9.21).

“The last piece of the puzzle? Making sense of the Swiss town of Moutier’s decision to leave the canton of Bern”, at LSE Europop (31.3.21).

“Q&A zum Schweizer Ständerat: Antwort auf Onlinekommentare”, at DeFacto (9.10.20)

“What to expect from Switzerland’s five referendums on 27 September”, at LSE Europop (3.9.20).

“What to expect from the 2019 Swiss federal elections”, at LSE Europop (14.10.19).

(With Anna Storz) “Parlamentarische Untersuchungskommissionen in der Schweiz”, at DeFacto (29.9.18)

(With Marlène Gerber) “Glarner Landsgemeinde: Bürgerforum oder Werbemarkt der ‘classe politique’?”, at (4.5.18)

(With Johanna Schnabel and Nathalie Behnke) “Der bessere Ständerat? Regierungskonferenzen im Schweizer Föderalismus”, at (9.2.18)

(With David Zumbach) “Föderale Vielfalt im Schweizer Parlament”, at (21.12.17)

(With Rahel Freiburghaus) “Vom Einfluss der Städte auf Bundesebene”, at (29.9.17)

“Tinker, Tailor, Soldier … Foreign Minister? The runners and riders for Switzerland’s new federal councillor”, at LSE Europop (18.9.17)

(With Nenad Stojanovic and Anja Giudici) “The Best of Both Worlds? Der Bundesrat, das Tessin und die Geschlechtergleichheit”, at (12.7.17)

(With Nenad Stojanovic and Anja Giudici) “The Best of Both Worlds? Il Consiglio Federale, la Svizzera italiana e la questione femminile”, at (12.7.17)

(With Jonanna Künzler) “Vom Tanzen auf mehreren Hochzeiten”, at Institut für Föderalismus Innsbruck/

“Warum zentralisieren?”, at (11.1.16)

“Moutier, Quo Vadis?”, at (18.2.16)

(With Marlène Gerber) “4 cool graphs that explain Sunday’s Swiss elections”, at The Monkey Cage/ (23.10.15)

(With Marlène Gerber) “It’s confusing when the Swiss go to the polls. Here are 6 surprising things about their elections”, at The Monkey Cage (16.10.15)

(With Thomas Milic) “Direct democracy in Switzerland: Yes to the army, vaccinations, and petrol station shops”, at The Monkey Cage (23.10.13)

“Post-Election Report: 2012 Georgian Parliamentary Election”, at The Monkey Cage (2.10.12)

“The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: 2012 Georgian Parliamentary Elections Pre-Election Report”, at The Monkey Cage (29.9.12)

(With Paolo Dardanelli) “Switzerland’s Post-Election Report: 2011 Parliamentary Elections, at The Monkey Cage (25.10.11

9. Op-Eds

Sean Mueller: “Mehr Deutschland für die Schweiz?” Neue Zürcher Zeitung of 4.11.2021, p. 9.

Sean Mueller & Adrian Vatter: “Ständerat – eliminieren, zementieren, reformieren?” Neue Zürcher Zeitung of 17.9.2020, p. 8.

Sean Mueller & Nenad Stojanović: “Eine Zwei-Kantone-Lösung für das zerstrittene Moutier.” Tages-Anzeiger of 24.2.2020, p. 13.

Sean Mueller & Nenad Stojanović: “A la fois avec Berne et le Jura? Une solution pour la ville de Moutier.” In Le Tempsof 7.2.2020, p. 8.

Sean Mueller & Nenad Stojanović: “C’è una soluzione per sbrogliare la matassa Moutier e viene dalla Bosnia.” In Il Caffèof 2.2.2020, p. 12.

Sean Mueller & Paolo Dardanelli: “Kooperation, nicht Wettbewerb mit dem Bund.” Neue Zürcher Zeitung of 5.8.2017, p. 16.